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oh haaaay, it's munki :^D

blerp derp, you still remind me of pinkymagenta

except pinkymagenta is now pinkiemagenta ever since I indirectly converted her to bronydom


you play that guitar

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also, isn't it [ img ] [ /img ] without spaces? not /img/ //img/?

or sometimes certain pictures don't work and there's not much you can do about it.

Hey, I'm spamming, well not literally, but still using images really often everywhere, but always as spoilers.

But suddenly, I can't, because page gives me "I'm not allowed to post images in this community" error >:l

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brian told me how to fix it once, but I forget and his advice has been lost into the depths that is the favourite pictures topic

Angie is best helper :l

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Zooooom! I never let that little message stop me! I just save the picture to my Lunapic account and link from there. Always works! :D Poniiiiiiiiiiiiiiidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

At work. :l


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sounds like a fun job :l

I think I should get a job at a help desk :l 'cause I like sitting and answering questions

or a librarian

or a grocery bagger

or a worker at a food place that gives me discounts

I don't really have big goals in life

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I hate the whole "gotta aim for the top" mentality that we're supposed to have :l I think it's dumb to work so hard for something I really don't want that badly. if I can afford to live somewhere, buy food and have some money left over that I can save for myself later, I'm set.

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Hey, my pretties.

Looks like I overslept. Also, Ponyday. yay. :3

yay :^D

two hours and seven minutes until pony time, pony X3

And THAT'S how you remove Saturday from the timestamp. Effectively.

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