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Well by all means I'd be delighted to share a small drink or breakfast with all of you.

*horn alights with magic as various cups, saucers, tea leaves and cacao beans fly about and arrange themselves on the main table*

I've asked the tableware not to speak while I use it, but of course they still break their promises every once in a while.

*crushes the beans into a fine powder and mixes it with steaming milk for hot chocolate*

Be my guest Ashton, unless there's some ingredient or flavor for your tea that I've forgotten.

Ma'm, this quite a feast! *takes a seat*If you wouldn't mind, I'd like a cup of this, and a cup of that!

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*doles out cups and spoons to all the thirsty little ponies while sipping at my hot chocolate*

Well this is nice, I don't often have morning guests.

*takes a small bite of a cranberry and orange scone*

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*doles out cups and spoons to all the thirsty little ponies while sipping at my hot chocolate*

Well this is nice, I don't often have morning guests.

*takes a small bite of a cranberry and orange scone*

*sips gladly at his chocolate drink*Ma'm it is my honor to be sitting with you at this table with all our friends!*reaches for a blueberry muffin*

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*gently lands in a chair and passes out the Lucky Sandwiches, his horn glowing as he floats the magic gelatin containers around the table*

The Lucky sandwiches all have a random benefit! You could move faster or become stronger! Or nothing could happen at all... The Magic Gelatin recovers magical power. A must for people like me who float everywhere and bring towns into being from nothing.

*takes a bite from a sandwich and sips feather tea*

A glorious morning is it not?

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*watches his little city from the comfort of his chair as he nibbles a lucky sandwich*

Mmm, this is quite delicious!

*opens a can of fruit juice and takes a sip*

Pineapple!? Oh well it still tastes great!

*sees some pigmasks running around his little town*

I got some problems I have to deal with... Be right back!


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*looks back at Aria*

You don't have to understand me, but know this, I am a good pony. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta kick these guys outta my little city before they screw everything up!

*Pulls out his bat and starts swinging, sending pigmask soldiers flying everywhere, horn glowing and sending out rockin' sound waves*

Your fate is sealed!


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*turns around and waves to Saren and Tyler*

*looks back at the pile of unconscious soldiers*

That is what you get for interrupting my breakfast!

*returns to the table and gobbles up a magic gelatin*

Whew, I feel much better now.

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