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Anyone want a job at Mcdonalds?






*shakes head*



Forget about that.

Close your eyes.

And put on this Mexican wrestler's mask.

*forces colorful mask into hooves*

It's time for us to sing a song together~

Let's make some beautiful rainbows together~ <3

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Total brony reference. Also, those autistic children down the street can COOK! Our bank was invited over for lunch since they're thinking about launching a to-go cafe from the center, and they made a spicy coconut chicken and rice that made me go back for seconds. They have a giant playroom with a Wii, a playground, and an amazing greenhouse where they grow all the vegetables and herbs that they used in the dishes. I took some pictures of really pretty caterpillars that I'll upload later if you all would like to see them.


I love special needs children. Aside from that one that ran over my foot and laughed in middle school, they're all so sweet and kind. While my co-worker and I were taking the tour one of them just came to stand beside me with a smile on his face.

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Total brony reference. Also, those autistic children down the street can COOK! Our bank was invited over for lunch since they're thinking about launching a to-go cafe from the center, and they made a spicy coconut chicken and rice that made me go back for seconds. They have a giant playroom with a Wii, a playground, and an amazing greenhouse where they grow all the vegetables and herbs that they used in the dishes. I took some pictures of really pretty caterpillars that I'll upload later if you all would like to see them.


I love special needs children. Aside from that one that ran over my foot and laughed in middle school, they're all so sweet and kind. While my co-worker and I were taking the tour one of them just came to stand beside me with a smile on his face.

When I was in school everyone had serious anger issues-apart of being autistic-we hated the school, beat and in some cases tried to mutilate(minor) and strangulate each other to death coupled with serious anger directed at the staff at pretty much all times. The kind and innocent one only act like that in a controlled environment or of a certain autism

We had one Autistic kid who despite seeming harmless had a fascination with eyes and teeth, if he saw girls with their hair down he would strangle them as a result.

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When I was in school everyone had serious anger issues-apart of being autistic-we hated the school, beat and in some cases tried to mutilate(minor) and strangulate each other to death coupled with serious anger directed at the staff at pretty much all times. The kind and innocent one only act like that in a controlled environment or of a certain autism

We had one Autistic kid who despite seeming harmless had a fascination with eyes and teeth, if he saw girls with their hair down he would strangle them as a result.

But then again...the system wasn't strictly treating autistic..our government for some reason decided that it would be funny to label any one with any sort of problem as special and thus all people of all problems were just thrown into an educational bucket. Hence the massive structural/attitude failure.

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