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SS, feel free to pick a character from my log :3

I'd say the one who lives in Canterlot. He can jump into my debut thread for Timid as there has only been a few posts in it. That RP is set in Canterlot and the thread is titled, "A Fresh Start".

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GAHHHH! How do you people say so much in one day?!?!? I feel wiped just from skimming!

If you're still here, Silver, might I ask as to that group image you have in your sig?

Go to Angies art gallery in the website.

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Sorry... I've never been a tea person... Or coffee... I don't like coffee...

*wiggles in Fawkes's lap*

Then I've finally found somepony else with similar beverage tastes!

*flutters into the air to land before Taiko and stare with narrowed eyes*

Do you like hot chocolate too?

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Hi LPW! I missed the 1980s, aaah!

Coffee is one of those things that people usually either like or hate -- and the haters have probably never had genuinely good coffee. I personally prefer a brand called Intelligentsia, and I use a special vacuum press. Drip coffee is gross.

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On 4/30/2012 at 7:47 PM, AshtonSSG said:

Sweet Celestia I love milk.

*gives all the milk* :3





*takes back all but one of the milks*

Angie loves her milks too much to give 'em all away D:

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((My character))


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

File Name: The Un-beatable character

Danger Level: Red-Request for Orange pending-

Description: The above picture is the only recorded footage we could get in a "stable state" all other attempts have broken or shot circuited equipment due to break of understandable physics. The character is a one of a kind sprite found in an obscure game made by an independent artist on the web, this artist was later "retrieved" as a pile of unstable bio-oil in his apartment when squads were sent to retrieve him. The website was quickly shut down and all people retaining knowledge of it have either been peacefully set with an memory method to make them forget the item or terminated if needed. The item is told of being colorless although at breif times entering a coloured in state, exiting and moving out of its dimensions as well as fading and entering the screen along with constant shifting physical flaws. It has been recording both exiting the screen and entering a 3D state or out right being invisible at case. The character stay at a moderate size however for the game. It move list was attained and in order to perform test on the subject we introduced it to a controlled prison environment under the guise of an hour of relaxation as a part of suggested therapy. The game ran normally and was told to be "awesome" by the subject until the unit was selected. The move list came up, various overly complex moves that only hardened professional could perform showed up which soon delved into strange symbols, mathematics, strange lines/shapes and finally went out of the screen across the room. One subject attempted to read all the first line for the unit special and his eyes reportedly burst, morgue confirmed this due to intense pressure from within his eyes.

The other two subject started expressing massive bout of hysteria, panothobia and chronic Compulsive disorder. One attempted to play the character without reading his moves. His thumb supposedly melted into the controller. We suspect the sentient so a interview was engage between the head researcher.

Dr Karlos: Are you sentient?

Subject:*randomly switches on*

Dr Karlos: Can you talk to me in any fashion.

Subject: Randomly shows a move list of the character with now letters, these quickly degrade after what can only be described as a psychotic rant about the fabric of existence.

Doctor Karlos reportedly died by massive spikes in mental activity that the brain could not handle.

We tried to introduce a proffesional world championship gamer to the device. No incident or strange cases occurred besides the character normal constant physical shifts and 3D bouts until four hours in. The character was used to perform a 40 hit combo and upon winning a random assortment of text was shown on the screen, a picture was taken and decrypted by the staff. Shown translation have come out to be a direction for drawing an assortment of shapes. Those who saw the picture before it faded along with the taken picture and notes relating to the file have experienced a massive 30-95 IQ burst as well as a strange understanding of physics and paranormal subjects not related to the item.

Directors note: I think we established the benefits and dangers of this unit. I'm ending the test. Also, members are well to take note that any hand written reports have been altered by the subject while online. I received 3 documents with random text and various insults about my mother and one with a pornographic poster of my sister and the head of security. From now I want mouth to ear reports.

((yeah. I was bored)

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