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Very few people are going to devote their lifes to you and most people in this world would consider lust and a holding hand/saving each other from five minute of loneliness is love. People aren't forced to commit or stay together. We can all bail out, there no need to work on relationship any more. You don't want to devote your life to someone anyway because by and large most of the time they won't give back half the effort. True love is a myth that sometimes some people meet but using it as a goal to achieve in your life is just silly and hell, most people, even old people don't know what love is despite year of experience. We just assume it really awesome and it totally great and going to make life easier but we were the same way about cars when we were kids" man, when I get a car I can go where I want and do what I want, I can show off my new wheels" then you get into the car and have to deal with traffic, losing money to maintain it, chances of crashing and if you actually want to keep it at high value for a long time you got spend all kind of crap and pay attention to all sort of short lectures about your specific car works. In short, love sounds great..it looks great..but then you get in it and actually realize what devoting your life means.

It means devoting..your LIFE. Your life entails your: Friends, your money, your time, your hobbies, your emotional state, your health in some cases and your future. Don't look for love, do you really think your going to find such an awesome deal that it going to make you want to devote ALL of those resource to it, do you think that it might be a dud?

In short. If you have it. Great, if you think you have it, let hope your right. If you don't have it..don't focus on finding that one girl to love...focus on loving everyone around you. Because their there..now..and they might be gone tomorrow..you don't owe each anything..you just spreading it because you can and it gives a lot back. If you really want someone to put your emotion into well..we proven pretty good at it...I think most of the time when someone come here we all help out and cheer them up, then you have family, then you have social workers/councillors. That one friend to talk to who been with you thru alot and is generally relaxed or clever.Then if you don't want to talk to any of those. do what I do. Focus all the energy into a hobby-I did that with my drawings-Stress make an excellent work out/hobby motivator.

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The difference between me and you is that you have one love for everyone, from what I read, meanwhile I distinguish different types of it for different people. I'd never love my family the same way I love my friends, would never love friends like gf, et cetera. When I'm talking about devotion, I'm not trying to imply you should throw everything you have and act in favor of that one person. But life is about making decisions. You can't go through it expecting it'll go the way you want, and when it doesn't ignore it. Sometimes you have to sacrifice things in order to gain different things. When I finally managed to learn that and start acting this way, I felt I have my life in my own grasp at last. Even though there still are countless factors which influence it.

I have a feeling you took the devotion I talked about a bit too literally. It doesn't mean denying everything you have for the sake of one person. But it means using it in best way you can to take care of her. Naturally, by saying this, I don't mean only doing good things. Sometimes you have to confront others and act against their will, hoping they'll understand what you mean. We all know that you can't expect anybody to always agree with you and live a perfect life.

And as for hobby thing... If I don't want to talk, I simply don't. Although not talking usually brings nothing, except of the suffering connected with holding back things you'd like to tell about, but you can't. Therefore, I always find it better to tell somebody, no matter what effects it could bring. Of course, the art is to choose the right person. But throughout recent events, I've learned that other people may surprise us with their reactions. I've really talked with people about things lately, and expected them to turn me down, get angry on me, get a worse image of me... and they denied my expectations. They cared, they wanted to help with stuff. That's why my approach changed. You can keep it to yourself, and make sure nobody will come to you at all this way, or you can communicate and give yourself a chance. I'm not hiding things from people, except just a few ideas, which I can handle by myself and they don't need to know.

And no, I'm not treating Love like it was just another thing. It has too much influence on our lives to treat it this way.

Fun fact: Saren is banned.

I know.

I've noticed this.

I don't understand.

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The difference between me and you is that you have one love for everyone, from what I read, meanwhile I distinguish different types of it for different people. I'd never love my family the same way I love my friends, would never love friends like gf, et cetera. When I'm talking about devotion, I'm not trying to imply you should throw everything you have and act in favor of that one person. But life is about making decisions. You can't go through it expecting it'll go the way you want, and when it doesn't ignore it. Sometimes you have to sacrifice things in order to gain different things. When I finally managed to learn that and start acting this way, I felt I have my life in my own grasp at last. Even though there still are countless factors which influence it.

I have a feeling you took the devotion I talked about a bit too literally. It doesn't mean denying everything you have for the sake of one person. But it means using it in best way you can to take care of her. Naturally, by saying this, I don't mean only doing good things. Sometimes you have to confront others and act against their will, hoping they'll understand what you mean. We all know that you can't expect anybody to always agree with you and live a perfect life.

And as for hobby thing... If I don't want to talk, I simply don't. Although not talking usually brings nothing, except of the suffering connected with holding back things you'd like to tell about, but you can't. Therefore, I always find it better to tell somebody, no matter what effects it could bring. Of course, the art is to choose the right person. But throughout recent events, I've learned that other people may surprise us with their reactions. I've really talked with people about things lately, and expected them to turn me down, get angry on me, get a worse image of me... and they denied my expectations. They cared, they wanted to help with stuff. That's why my approach changed. You can keep it to yourself, and make sure nobody will come to you at all this way, or you can communicate and give yourself a chance. I'm not hiding things from people, except just a few ideas, which I can handle by myself and they don't need to know.

And no, I'm not treating Love like it was just another thing. It has too much influence on our lives to treat it this way.

I know.

I've noticed this.

I don't understand.

But you are still devoting all those things no matter how you define devotion. So my point still stands and no matter HOW you treat the scenario you still have to lay all those thing on the table in a long term relationship, you can't suddenly go "you know, I'm not going to give you any time for (*)weeks" nor can you expect to withdraw money and expect no possibly massive back lash and if your going to take chances for something that consumes time/money/ effort and health then why. That like making sacrifices for working where working is it own reward kind of deal where if you just settled for not going after it, you would kept actual physical things of substance and accomplishment for all those sacrifices rather than a relationship than once again-referring to my land-can at any time be bailed upon with little fall back except for you, who obviously made all those sacrifices.

In short..making sacrifices for someone else for the sake of making you feel better or a way to recover doesn't sound like a good recovery plan. You become reliant one person emotionally, you also got to make numerous physical sacrifices for something none physical and can't be measured which in turn mean any demands can be made and if your after love as a goal, your most likely going to blindly follow these because your chasing it to make you feel better. Not actual to pursue love...which is something once again you won't and properly will never fully understand. Love is and should be approached with the same logical thought process as you would make when making a deal it involves the expenditure of actual physical components.

In short, your either devoting your life-which IS everything-or your not. There is not..I'm going to devote a little bit of my life. No, if your devoting your life that means the money, time, health, friends and some cases dreams. That what devoting is... committing heavily to something and relation for a long term normally involve the merging of these objects into a partnership.

This.. doesn't help you get better if you are feeling bad. You are free to do it, and it may be good for you but by and large sacrifices so much doesn't work well. People tend to not be very gentle when you put your life in their hands.

by the way. I'm not talking about you, Vill. I'm taking about love as goal and what point should it be achieved in someone life.

Personally. Find a hobby, make money, get comfortable then at about...25-26 look at what you got and then decide "I have enough to carry this on, I achieved my dreams or I'm nearly there and most of the storm over, I'm going to see if I can find someone to love and maybe if we have kids, I have the house/financial resources needed to spend on those" but heck even if you do have the resources to spare with little fall back. I would still suggest not making it a life goal. If you are going to love, love. Don't make it some kind of mission where you in gun blazing, hoping that anyone in your sight might be the one. Love is a immaterial concept and actually capturing a stable form of it is very, very...loooow...due to the three things I stated before.

Because of it low success rating, its sacrifices, it reliant nature and it inevitable outcome that requires resources if it is working then I would say gathering money and skill are more important, more confident building and more get the same outcome while gathering a dependence on yourself. But if your doing it to feel better, then it nothing more than artificial relationship to mimic love-because everyone idealizes it-and to ward off your loneliness for five minutes.

Anyway. Sorry if this is rushed or make little sense. I have to go. So I wrote this quickly.

At least it got the thread moving.

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What did Saren do? I have a suspicion it may be the Brony Behind the Computer thread that got him banned. Also, Penby, how are those experiments coming along?

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So many pages that I had to click and scroll through, which is very hard with a bound and splinted hoof. Actually this makes a lot of things difficult. Lots of things v_v

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So many pages that I had to click and read through, which is very hard with a bound and splinted hoof. Actually this makes a lot of things difficult. Lots of things v_v

Fix'd free of charge. I hope >:l


BTW: Come on, I still remember when I've splinted bone in my hand. And I recall doing everything one-handed was extremely fun, because it was challenging and a fresh experience :)

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Hey. Hey hey. There's a difference. I'm kinda delicate.

As for having to use my left hand, that's easy. I was partially ambidextrous when I was born, and drumming only made it easier. I may not be AS good with my left as I am with my right, but the results are usually just as great ;)

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