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It happens with every high-profile character, don't feel bad! You deserve to play her!

Speaking of which, since she is the best foalsitter in Equestria, is she gonna foalsit Pumpkin? Huhuhuhuh!?

Of course! I'd love to do a foalsitting thread with you and... I haven't checked, Ashton got Pound right?

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Of course! I'd love to do a foalsitting thread with you and... I haven't checked, Ashton got Pound right?

Not yet, we're still waiting! It's sort of difficult to throw a foal into a random RP and have it make sense, at least for the story, so I've sort of had her wandering around looking for Pound since he went "missing".

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I don't know why I stuck my horn in a jar of fly honey... Now it absolutely reeks and I am drawing tons of flies!!! And a pole of green ooze that calls itself Master Belch. He loves fly honey apparently.

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