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This is not the time for your war ethics, Fawkes! Snipers like myself provide necessary contributions to any combat unit. Besides, I'm too fragile for mid or close-range combat. Always do what you're best at.

Oh, and the aforementioned Barrett .50cal Tyler. It's my baby.


If you want to kill me, then at least either nuke me (mentioned above) or shoot me with a pistol while looking me in the eyes.

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If you want to kill me, then at least either nuke me (mentioned above) or shoot me with a pistol while looking me in the eyes.

Unfortunately for you, I recognize my limitations and don't try to exceed them to my own detriment. Such taunts are fairly useless against me. Besides, I'd never shoot someone at close range. Blades are so much more elegant and clean.

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Besides, I'm too fragile for mid or close-range combat. Always do what you're best at.

...is that why you told Peggly to give you CHAINS as a weapon?

Like... CQC chains?


...or shoot me with a pistol while looking me in the eyes.

How romantic~ <3 :3

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Unfortunately for you, I recognize my limitations and don't try to exceed them to my own detriment. Such taunts are fairly useless against me. Besides, I'd never shoot someone at close range. Blades are so much more elegant and clean.

Then get your blades and let me look you in the eyes as you cut me to bits.
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...is that why you told Peggly to give you CHAINS as a weapon?

Like... CQC chains?


How romantic~ <3 :3

They're more symbolic than anything. If I engage in melee it's because I know I have the advantage or I'm taking them by surprise. I'll probably chain myself to a wall trying to thwack someone with those. Besides, as far as CQC goes I would assume long chains would be one of the longest range weapons.

Then get your blades and let me look you in the eyes as you cut me to bits.

So long as you already have one of my daggers in your back? Sure.

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I only have myself? Do I at least get to use the dark angelic form that my friend says he thinks of me if we ever got supernatural powers?

I told him he'd be a super-strong mountain bear man with chest hair that repels the mightiest of attacks...

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I don't get the reference. I don't know what that's from.

It's from a cyberpunk/dystopian themed tv series called "Dark Angel". That's the protagonist, Max, a genetically engineered soldier type gal.

It was kind of a thing when I was growing up, at least over here. Only ran for 2 seasons, though. ^^

Yeah, I kinda figured I was going into the too obscure territory here. XD

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Wow, that card would have to have an entire deck built around it to be effective. That's a lot closer though! I've always envisioned some dark hooded robe with maybe a bit of chest armor, gauntlets and greaves while having dark wings. Not sure of the weapon, but I'm always partial to swords over anything else so that's pretty good :D

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*nod, nod*

And here be your mountain bear man friend :I


I was chewing on my lip when I read this and laughed so hard that I bit through it. Thank you for the wonderful metallic taste in my mouth, Fawkes <3

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