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I just thought it was only fair to tell you LPW... You have given me no choice, you have driven me into the arms of my lover, Raoul... GMT+ something or another. His hot Latin blood burns like an inferno that both promises to keep me warm with whispers of burns should I immerse myself completely. It is exciting! It is fresh! It's somewhat new!

Tl;dr myself and just typed out words: Imma go see if I can troll GMT+, brb.

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There you go! Don't take them if you don't need them! And who WOULDN'T throw themselves at Cadance Volt? I mean, it's Cadance played by me, Aria. That's like... princess overload.

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Do not adulate yourself so much, my dear. After all you know, that apart from one single exception, the only princess connected with you is princess Cadence... Cadance... Cadanza... Cadenza... Cadenze... ... ...I'll stay with original Cadence... so far. Although, I encourage you to keep trying. Perhaps one day...? Who knows. I'm not even sure myself in the end.

Also, Sulvy, I need them. I'll gladly take them instead of you .-.

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Do not adulate yourself so much, my dear. After all you know, that apart from one single exception, the only princess connected with you is princess Cadence... Cadance... Cadanza... Cadenza... Cadenze... ... ...I'll stay with original Cadence... so far. Although, I encourage you to keep trying. Perhaps one day...? Who knows. I'm not even sure myself in the end.

Also, Sulvy, I need them. I'll gladly take them instead of you .-.

You can have all my drugs *lifts up couch cushion to a plastic bag full of multicoloured pills*

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Do not adulate yourself so much, my dear. After all you know, that apart from one single exception, the only princess connected with you is princess Cadence... Cadance... Cadanza... Cadenza... Cadenze... ... ...I'll stay with original Cadence... so far. Although, I encourage you to keep trying. Perhaps one day...? Who knows. I'm not even sure myself in the end.

Also, Sulvy, I need them. I'll gladly take them instead of you .-.

Ah, but the LPW princess is playing a Canterlot princess ;)

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Magi, Noah, Micro, Angie, Rockzy, Peggly, Fawkes, Appy, Davvy, Penby, Conor, Sulvie, me. Brony vas Normandy is on the mushroom and NastyMann is under the table.

Plus tiny text for tiny Frosty in the kettle.

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I'm still not sure whether it's extra ironic or extra fitting that I had you placed on the Dementia side :I

Are you saying I have Dementia?

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