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Fawkes Fawkes Fawkes.

How was drinking with the friends under the stars last night?

T'was wondrous!

There was a warm summer breeeeeze.

There were bats performing aerial stunts for our amusement.

The sky was perfectly clear and the stars were shining bright.

And all of us were in high spirits~

How was your night with the sweet hard apple cider, my dear? :3

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T'was wondrous!

There was a warm summer breeeeeze.

There were bats performing aerial stunts for our amusement.

The sky was perfectly clear and the stars were shining bright.

And all of us were in high spirits~

How was your night with the sweet hard apple cider, my dear? :3

I think I've found a new love, honestly. Apples are by far my favorite fruit with only certain berries competing. I'm still pretty jealous, that sounded amazing. As long as there was some kind of cool breeze or it wasn't muggy or super hot anyway. I'm still trying to teach myself to like summer.

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*Jumps into the thread and starts throwing daggers in every direction*




What? I'm also allowed some randomness too from time to time .-.

Still... I've confused the threads, it seems ><'

But seriously, just went to say G'nite. Roommate's sleeping, don't want to wake him up. Gonna read a book.


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What? Dark blue with a hint of black?

More of an amorphous, black sentient looking substance. I should wear my blood and be Venom in a Spiderpony game.

*puts the band-aid over my leg and holds it out to Peggly*

Kiss it for me? It'll be all better.

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