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Imma just post here now.

Oh, yes. A new person.

Hey, I'm SUlvuss the resident love spreader. I hope you stick around in our small community, wer pretty friendly and welcoming to new each other. If you want any help with anything then just let me know. I'm normally busy but if I got time then I'll do what I can to help. I give out reviews, RP'ed for seven years and have been drawing since I was able to hold a pencil against a piece of paper. Although I can review pretty much anything.

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Fawkes! I do believe you already have a greeting speech prepared for our new ... ... visitor, don't you?

Eh, it seems like he's prolly another one shot poster.

I like to save the more epic monologues for those who actually stick around :I





...ALL the time :I

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Eh, it seems like he's prolly another one shot poster.

I like to save the more epic monologues for those who actually stick around :I





...ALL the time :I

You make epic monologues?

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Angie actually has to disagree .−.

the very last sip of milk out of the jug is always the best

unless you're one of those dumb people who leaves their milk out for over an hour ):< then it never tastes good

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Angie actually has to disagree .−.

the very last sip of milk out of the jug is always the best

unless you're one of those dumb people who leaves their milk out for over an hour ):< then it never tastes good

I leave it out just to see if my sisters are brave enough to try it, without knowing how long it has been sitting.

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Angie is the type who would drink it without a second thought, then get mad after o)3)

she has done this many times at other people's houses .−.

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Tom Hamilton is a funny guy.

"I love that term, "we experimented with drugs." not like, "they shallowly sought to get messed up", they experimented! It was an Experiment damn it! and it was a success!...for a while. Bake it and burn it is all I have to say."

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