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Truly a question that is typical of Spiderman fans and newbies alike and truly a question that is normally failed to be answered to its full effect.

If he does use capsules then why don't they go off whenever something pushes his palm/like when he pushing a big car off a injured civilian of its natural then where is it all stored. Has his veins been replaced with spider web.

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Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll,

Endless Roll~

... I'm bored, alright? :P

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Something about me has changed..

In ever such a slight, slight way.

We find ourselves to be so brave

and change came, they tried to stay

Sometimes... Life you pit you against the unknown.

Sure, it may seem scary, but do not be afraid.

If you straighten up and move forward, Who knows?

Maybe you'll find out fear was never worth a thing, And bravery...

Will bear it's fruit.

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Ha ha ha ha ha

I'm one card short of a full deck

I'm not quite the shilling

One wave short of a shipwreck

I'm not my usual top billing

I'm coming down with a fever

I'm really out to sea

This kettle is boiling over

I think I'm a banana tree

Oh dear

Ha Ha Ha

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