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Woe and curses of sadness and rage!

The great Gods above have deemed Fawkes to be... TOO awesome.

For this crime... they have taken away his electricity! >:

Then how are you...

Never mind, I remembered who you are.

And I will have the app finished soon! I'm working on it now.

im not in school at the moment, and until about a week and a half ago my dad lost his job and we were living off the government cuz we could.... does that count?


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Then how are you...

Never mind, I remembered who you are.

And I will have the app finished soon! I'm working on it now.


One could spend an eternity trying to comprehend the ways of Fawkes~

But huzzahs and hurrahs, dear Tyler!

Preparations are coming along swimmingly.

Everyone else who isn't almost done with their apps need to start gettin' 'em together!

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So... that just means that pig screams are a sonic weapon. I'm not sure how I feel about your ava Rosie. It's watching me.

Aria! Where in the hay have you been?! It's been so quiet around here with just a facetious, sarcastic talking sammich.

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Aria! Where in the hay have you been?! It's been so quiet around here with just a facetious, sarcastic talking sammich.

I've been in a laze, still trying to canter my way out of it. Motivation to do anything has just been shot lately.

*offers an apologetic cupcake sprinkled with cinnamon and topped with a strawberry slice*

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dont hate on the sammich. why is it rosewinds avatar is a massive pinkie giant will little normal pony looking things next to it, but over rosewinds name it has a strange pinkie head that looks like its making a funny face?

My sig? It's of Pinkie after she ate the MMMM cake! Angie has told me that my sig scares her, which is all the more reason to keep it!

I like how my avi is getting so much attention -- that's the sign of a good avatar!

*noms the cupcake* Oh yeah, Pumpkin's father was recently approved. His player is a really nice guy. He just posted in our RP!

I think I'll be drawing the curtain close on that one soon, but Pumpkin did invade Pony Joe's doughnut shop...heehehee!

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I saw that, Muffin was discussing things with me while he waited on his approval. Which means I need to buck my brain into gear and magic up a post!

And yeah, I like your ava. I guess... it looks like older Pinkie to me? I dunno.

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My sig? It's of Pinkie after she ate the MMMM cake! Angie has told me that my sig scares her, which is all the more reason to keep it!

I like how my avi is getting so much attention -- that's the sign of a good avatar!

*noms the cupcake* Oh yeah, Pumpkin's father was recently approved. His player is a really nice guy. He just posted in our RP!

I think I'll be drawing the curtain close on that one soon, but Pumpkin did invade Pony Joe's doughnut shop...heehehee!


on page: good avatar from before

notifications and when name is moused over: weird looking funny pinkie

no signature involved.

and dont call me fascist. im communist. :P

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