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*jumps on in to this*

Heads up America

Let's stand, be brave, keep our defenses high,

Heads up America

A land that is prepared can never die!

Every woman and every man

Must be part of the CD plan

But be ready with every eye up to the sky

Heads up America

For America must never, never die!

Freedom is everybody's business

Everybody must take his stand

Freedom is everybody's business

So let Civil Defense be everyone's concern!

Let every family work together

And together our might we'll show

In defense of our land, united we stand

Ready for any foe!

Heads up America

Let's stand, be brave, with our defenses high,

Heads up America

A land that is prepared can never die!

Every woman and every man

Must be part of the CD plan

Must be ready to meet whatever they may try

Heads up America

And America will never never die!

Heads up America!

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Yeeeeah, I'm kinda in the same vein.

I love drawing but I'm too much of a perfectionist over it so I just don't do it.

Just a couple of weeks ago I drew sumthin for the firstest time in like, three years, for the Pictionary thread. According to some ponies it's not too bad...


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