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*Stands up, punching the air*

Yay for Tenkan :D


Thanks, Conor!

How are you doing?

Fianlly finished my Review script.

Hey, Tenkan. I said to a media class freind I'll do a video review of something-yea, he wants me to do one..Don't know why-do you know any ways I can get footage from my xbox onto my PC and movie software?

I don't have alot of money. I just dress like I have a lot of money.

Sorry, Sulvuss, but I've never tried it before. I only know how to record whatever's on my PC monitor.

Sorry, pal. :(

Molestia is in your room. What do you do?


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Oh there you are Fawkes...I had a question for you...

Did Noah tell you to give me that poison...or was that just one of your jokes? :D

Oh uhm...


You know...


*twiddles hooves*

Fawkesy knows Conor likes wine...

And Fawkesy doesn't have an immunity to iodine worked up just yet...

But Fawkesy knows that Conor loves iodine... and wine...

So uhm... instead of building up an iodine immunity over the course of three years...

Fawkesy gave his tasty wine to dear Conor~ <3


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Its a commonly known fact alot of the brotherhood is insane. Litterally sociopathic and religiously zealous in their faith to their dark god. So I thought "What if one of them was SO DEEP into her faith, the only one she would speak with is Sithis himself? She does this by stabbing her victims close range and speaking words of love and admiration to her Father as they're dieing, because she knows the soul of those killed by the Dark Brotherhood are absorbed by Sithis, and her words of love to him would reach him through the kill. Thats why she uses a dagger, up close, point blank kills only. So she can drag it out to speak to him a little longer"its so deliciously psychotic, I just love it.

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Then why did Noah give you iodine then if you don't have an immunity?

Something seems fishy with your explanation Fawkes.....are you conspiring against me?

Oh, Fawkesy was being punished for the devilish lies Penby was telling Appy~

Fawkesy WANTED to be punished. Really, he did!

He just doesn't care for Noah's punishments very much...

Except for the chalice of mercury wine.

That was a nice, li'l treat~

Not much of a punishment, tho... >:

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Its a commonly known fact alot of the brotherhood is insane. Litterally sociopathic and religiously zealous in their faith to their dark god. So I thought "What if one of them was SO DEEP into her faith, the only one she would speak with is Sithis himself? She does this by stabbing her victims close range and speaking words of love and admiration to her Father as they're dieing, because she knows the soul of those killed by the Dark Brotherhood are absorbed by Sithis, and her words of love to him would reach him through the kill. Thats why she uses a dagger, up close, point blank kills only. So she can drag it out to speak to him a little longer"its so deliciously psychotic, I just love it.

I hafta admit...

This is REALLY awesome~ :3

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