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Chat is back D':

Oh well, there's probably a reason why things go down when I'm not around. Angie is a peace keeper whether she likes it or not )':

*goes to bed*

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I saw that gif years ago :l I've spammed it all over canterlot

And I got pascal the otter :^D I was hoping for Blathers, but Pascal was all they had. I'm happy they had any AC plush at all though X3

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Not nice everypony. Truly. Is it so hard to move that topic when I AM around actually?

Now, shall we commence?

I think his mind played a similar trick on him that mine played on me.

I might be wrong, though.

You are. I'm not ignorant. I understood perfectly what happened.

Don't worry too much about Volt. Maybe he just needs some time to adjust, Princess.

I have already adjusted.

It's okay Aria...like Davvy said, he needs more time than we do...

No. And once more, no. Time... has nothing to do with this anymore.

Not like I care or anything.

It's fine, as it'll let you get out of this one without a scratch.

Volt is a mature guy, he can't stay sad or mad at anypony for too long...

Trust me Aria he'll be back before you know it and I'm sure you two'll get along just fine :)

None of this is your fault, you're just a victim or really odd circumstance.

You'd be surprised my friend... I didn't mark "Apologies are overrated" in PPT for nothing...

I am back. But getting along...? *Shakes head* I don't believe in this to happen.

But on this thing, you're right. None of this is current's Aria fault. Nevertheless, she will remain a victim from my side.

I'm not sure if "sad" is the right word for what Volt feels.

Emptiness, disappointment, helplessness... hope this helps.

With time, he will get over how similar you, princess, seem to our old friend.

I won't.

By implementing a slightest change into reality around us, one cannot expect everything else to remain alike. There must be an echo, a certain response, on each action we do.

And I'm an echo to this change, and alteration of my previous self.

I wouldn't be surprised if I became tainted&condemned now. It happened in the past already. But, I won't allow myself to let my memories and opinions concerning a pony I had respect for, float away. It's a matter of honor for me, so either don't poke this topic anymore, either banish me from LPW for good.

I am more than sure that Aria knew the risk when cutting the threads.

Now there. Hello everypony?

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