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Davvy :^D


Talk to Rocky when he shows up. It's always so sad to see him ignored D: (was directed at everyone)


Mostly because we haven't talked since I left and I want to see posts from him

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Is this all? Just like that?

In end, trying to humiliate me by throwing empty words on the wind?

How can you speak with reason and logic without knowing what's my point...?

I was, am, and will remain open onto any arguments.

Funny stuff is, I normally wouldn't bother. But I already managed to form a kind of bond with participants of this tread.

Perhaps my career here won't be as long as I initially predicted... :-(

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So, it's fairly easy actually.

Assuming that some kind of magic is in play here, temporal, or other, it's not supposed to last this long. It should wear off after a while. However, there is a rare exception.

Sometimes, when the target doesn't want the spell to end, even if it's subconscious, it can last indefinite. I think that might be what is happening here.

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The show's over. Everypony should know when to leave the stage.

*Bows down, taking hat off* Farewell :sleep:

I resign from my "little game". You've won. Recipients... know what I mean.

If anypony wanted something from me, PM's are still viable.

May both stars and sun shine upon you all brightly.

The day is out. <3

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Well, I'm not dumb. I'm not going to sit here and say "Nope nope, I'm right," even though I usually am.

*tosses mane*

If you claim that there was another Aria, and I'm younger than she was, maybe I was brought forward in time. I think you're thinking that she reversed her age to me. but then wouldn't she remember? Or me? Wouldn't I remember if I was her?

*rubs head*

Ugh, this is for nerd ponies. Did she have a reason to do something like that?

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I base it partly on what I heard happened during my lost time yesterday morning. I did seem to regress in age. And your cleansing spell lifted it from me, so it seems.

Would you remember? Probably not. I lost all memory of Conor, for example.

As for the why, I cannot say for sure. I did hear that something might have happened during the war. And the other Princess Aria was assumed dead.

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Well, if my choices are being how I've always remembered myself or being, you know, dead, I think I'll stay with this O.o

Thanks for the offer though.

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Well, it all depends on what happened I guess. If I'm some kind of previous Aria, I wouldn't have made the memories would I? I don't see how making yourself younger when you're dying would save you, so that's what I'm going with. And I guess I'll have to do what all new ponies do to make friends: What's something this other Aria would never do? I'll do it.

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I wished you back to life with the Dragon Balls, so I guess my wish got messed up and everybody came back but without their memories with the exception of the ones who survived the war....

I don't know for sure...

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Well, it all depends on what happened I guess. If I'm some kind of previous Aria, I wouldn't have made the memories would I? I don't see how making yourself younger when you're dying would save you, so that's what I'm going with.

Maybe it's not temporal magic at all. Maybe it is regeneration. The other Princess might have rejuvenated her body to survive her injuries. That would explain why your cleansing spell had no effect on yourself. There was no spell to lift. And it's well documented that ponies lost their memories due to some kind of trauma.

And I guess I'll have to do what all new ponies do to make friends: What's something this other Aria would never do? I'll do it.

It's your choice, and yours alone. But you will be hard pressed to find something the other Aria wouldn't do, my princess.

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