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*arrives on wings of gold and light from the heavens to fanfare*

"It is! Allura! Pay tribute, lesser creatures! For I have returned!"

And once again, Apolline Allura descended from the heavens to take place in this, the best thread on site.

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*Drags himself in, looking triumphant, but completely haggard at the same time, a lightning storm illuminating his multiple wounds, tattered shirt, and twisted glasses with a single lens (cracked)*

After braving the horrors of the wastelands known as the dead zone of internet, I have returned. I have stories that could wow and shock you all, but that will have to wait.

*Collapses onto the ground*

I have seen the truth of the world, and it's knowledge both burdens me, but keeps me going. That of how everything is....

*Blacks out*

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All right. Other then the one I seem to have failed.

Also, I thought you were already at the bottom of an endless pit. Such cynicism, it caused a paradox.


Poor thing. I was taking my Dual Enrollment midterms, Business Comm. went splendidly, all three parts are good.

Meh. My faith in people is low, my stress levels high.

I've just become more of a critical arse! :U

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Missed out on an epic pink aisle raid by caramel by half an hour... Totally spur of the moment and she has all the glitter ponies and 2 more McD's toys. So her pony toy count is at 8, while I have the one. I am very sad, she even has a non glitter dash too and my favorite pony, Fluttershy. Do I get to have one of the blind bags? Tartarus no! She offers me McD AJ, I turned it down cause I wanted my fave pony... I am very disappointed and unhappy.

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