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*Sigh* Another bright day, with sun shining and birds singing in melodic tunes.

I do regret, I really do, that I can't spare all those positive aspects of life a bit more time.

Good day once more, my little ponies.

Hello Conor, Sulvuss, Davy, Aria.

Moreover, was it just me or did Diego actually return to this thread?

And, why do I have a feeling I'm missing on something really important, what would sadden me at least a bit. Care to explain me, anypony?

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*a large puff of violent violet smoke erupts in the center of the forest, followed by a mixture of gay giggles and sorrowed screams*

*misses that mark completely and appears a good distance away from the puff of smoke, unceremoniously crashing onto my throne and flopping onto the ground*

*pops right on up*

You callllllllllled?~ :I

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*Observes the unusual accide~ I mean, PLANNED accident*

Ah, yes Fawkes. You see, I'm really, but really concerned about ponies in this kingdom.

I feel a lot of... negative vibrations around. It's really disturbing, my friend. I'm worried.

Also, Aria, would you be so kind to enclose the issue to me? I'm afraid my senses aren't sharp enough to read your mind. And I hope they will never be.

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That's a very wise hope to have, my friend. I have my very own cutie mark now, born of fiery pain. It still smoulders. Quite the "hot" addition to my form if I do say so myself though.

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you told me not to help D:

also, starting yesterday (Angie is ignoring rules), I can't go on the computer until 7:00pm on weekdays, and only get two hours a day on weekends. also my dad took the mac to his work, so me and my sister have to share my mom's crap computer without sound :l

I don't know how long he's keeping it there, but I bet he only took it 'cause he's an ass. it's not above him to do that. he's hidden the mouse on multiple occasions.

also sibling is using the computer now because new rules don't apply to her .–. I'll be stuck on my 3ds for a while

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ah, I can still do art, I meant to say my internet will be limited to two hours on weekends (I was never allowed on my art compooper during the week to begin with because my sister uses it for facebook).

it will probably end the same way as all these limitations end. I just say screw it and do what I want :l parents will get mad, they'll give me more limitations, I'll ignore those too. this is why Angie needs laptop.

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Hm. I must say I liked the master thesis of webkilla.

I may finish up reading it all in the end. Someday.

Truth to be said, only facts in there. Some may find things which will spoil their community view etc.

But only some.

I'd risk a statement that this document might draw your attention Aria. Perhaps you should go and read it?

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Master Thesis of Webkilla you say? I might peruse it. Also, I'll be blunter for you. I literally have a cutie mark now, tattooed on lol. Yes, it was my fault, and it's slightly better now after healing a bit :blah:

And there you go Angie! Fight the power!

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why would you do thaaaaaaat? D:

when you could use markers instead D: that's one less place you have to draw on yourself

*has many doodles on her belly at all times*

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@Angie: I shall light a candle and put it in the window, so that you may always find us on time and never waste those two hours.

*Starts searching for that gifted candle...*

@Aria: Go ahead, it has my recommendation if you're looking for some facts concerning this community.

And I still do remember what you've said in the far past.

As for second part, my investigation ends here, and I throw the question into oblivion.

Uh, just a favor to ask, could you quote me when and where did I say to be blunt on me? I recall doing that, but I can't remember how,what,where,why...

'tis pony's off to sleep. Good night!

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*lifts the gifted passion flower candle with a mischievious grin*

I wonder where it could be? And I dunno Angie. I'm not that talented at drawing, and it's always there if I want it instead of having to always re-draw it.

And yes Davvy, it's obviously in a rather conspicuous place in a society that doesn't value the freedom of nudity. Hi Peggly.

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