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mm, all the sour gummy worms are at the bottom of my candy jar, and the only way to get to them is to eat all the skittles and jelly beans...

oh, woe is me... Ú_Ù

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in the past five days, there's been a sudden influx of "ask _____" topics. ask shyshy, ask sirshadowdeath, ask a sin and ask sydphony.

none of them are very popular

I wonder how popular an "ask Angie", would be ._. not that I'm gonna make one, since there's other websites for that.




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mm, I kinda wanna make one, but I don't wanna make one without artwork, but at the same time I don't wanna make artwork ._.

meh meh meh

just "ask Angie" wouldn't be popular anyways ._.

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Hello everyone.

Why is chemistry a required subject. The guy who designed the Assembly language needs to be shot. When the hell you you need more then one derivative?

Today was a day that just about killed me. And now I have a huge pile of homework I have to finish before tomorrow morning, as well as 5 chapters to study for a test.


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Night Angie then.

I fail to understand what's so fabulous about those "ask ..." threads. Shall I go and get excited with the fact that random people are answering my random questions .-.?

Does it mean I should get excited when somebody tells me the hour on the streets if I ask for it? /sarcasm on. As you can see, I'm just a tiny bit skeptical about it. Just a tiny bit. /sarcasm off.

Appy has found a new hobby of spreading kittens all around .-. Not cool for a dog fan ;P

And again, Angie, I couldn't find the candle. It vanished somehow, I've searched for it whole night and ultimately returned here >.>'

Really, I have no idea where could it be. But I'll learn... I'll learn that, and then you shall see the bright flame! A light that I'll send out burning for you alone! And 'tis fire will guide you home!

As soon as I find that blasted candle...

Aria, you didn't have anything to do with it, right :/?

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