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I was about to correct your spelling of the word egoist...

Because I thought you meant to say egotist.

BUT it turns out they're BOTH correct and they BOTH mean pretty much the exact same thing.

This annoys me >:[

Feel free to do so if it'll easy your pain .-.

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Well, time to live up to my heritage of Spartanry and Viking pirates. I'm going to tempt fate and shout my challenge to the elements, considering honor and a glorious death seems like something they'd be proud of. I'll do it as Olaf (kinda)!


WOULD being killed by a STORM be considered glorious and honorable in Spartan/Viking culture? :3

I mean... maybe if you were killed during a storm in the process of beating the Persians back across the Hellespont.

Orrrr... while battling a storm out at sea while captaining the flagship of a viking fleet.

Buuuuuut.... just a regular ol' land luber storm?

Eh :3

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Shut up! It's not like I can go get a schooner or grab my swords and fight some in some huge cross-country war! Honestly I'd be killed by my own cultures back then. I don't think I could kill someone unless I was in mortal danger or protecting someone I love, and even then it would give me night terrors.

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Just go eat a cookie or chocolate chip Angie.

Now wait Davvy, are you a therapist or the rapist? Because I'll avoid one and seek out the other.

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Because I'll avoid one and seek out the other.

The question sulking in my mind which I'd like to ask is so obvious, that it made me feel ashamed and vaporized in a flash.

It just wouldn't be entertaining at all.

Aria, apart from that, have you seen my candle :/?

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