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Still, you weren't very tactful about it.

It kinda sounded as if you NEEDED her to make it and make it soon.

I don't dislike you, I just don't appreciate that you did that.

I know how it feels to be busy, and to have people harassing you on top of your normal activities is really annoying.

I know it's not my job to butt in, but I don't enjoy that you just discarded her for another artist. XD


See? I knew I was gonna pull another dick move. I hate my own self, I am a nice guy. Why do I do these things?! Argh!!!

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Relevant :I

It's my theme song?

*puts on black shirt with the word "JERK" on it*

HA, HUB. Make a show about me now!


I'll just sit over here and observe everyone's mental breakdowns...

*Sits and does just that* :)


See? I knew I was gonna pull another dick move. I hate my own self, I am a nice guy. Why do I do these things?! Argh!!!

Hey, don't worry about it. It's not such a big deal, I just look into things too much. XD

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oh, I didn't know that .–.

maybe I SHOULD donate

except for the fact that I can't, due to being a jobless child who uses cash

Go out on the streets and perform

with like

a ukulele or something

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bah, that's sibling's job :l she's the one man band in the family


I could really go for some meat right about now :l


*bites Angie*


Yeah, I'm bored...sorry for un-amusing you Appy :C



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Such a stress.

Annoying life, I need something to calm my nerves. Best, some kind of ginger beverage.

Strong one would help best.

And I'm sick. On holidays. I'm just willing to bungee jump without rope.

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Terrible headache because of it. Even my own thoughts hurt me. I can't write stuff, I can't think straight.

This isn't fun. Just terrible. I'm not usually sick, but when I am, it affects me heavily...

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