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Last post wins

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Oh, teehee.

My apologies.

Aria is increasingly hard to understand with her overly flowery language.

Perhaps she should be more, mmmmmmmm, blunt~

*my horn flashes, my body disappearing and reappearing in the wink of an eye, seated at the head of the tea table, hind legs draped over an arm of the chair*

*holds up a cup of tea to Aria, with a hint of a smile*

Tea, my dear? :3

Oh and Volty Volt!

You've come to participate in the festivities as well!

Your history seems to be a wee bit muddled as well though ;3

Perhaps you should read on back through the last 40,000 or so posts?

The FIRST 3,000 or so are of PARTICULAR interest~

*offers cup of tea and a chair at the table to Volt*

Tea? :3

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It wasn't a Forest that I ruled.

I suppose your ignorance can be forgiven.

You are young.




I was the first to harness the flame.

A curious thing, really.

Now, please get off the throne, and take your false apologies with you.

Have you no manners? It's the throne that chooses the maker.

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No, thank you, I don't drink on duty. Especially, I don't drink Colton tea.

I'm not going to participate in whatever's taking place in here. You are blind. Blinded by the illusions created by this Forest.

You're doing exactly what it wants from you. Do you know the story about witch and kids? There was something about her stuffing kids et caetera, but then she was the one eaten!... ... ... Or so I've heard... but I think it was something about flames to be honest.

Nevertheless... *Sheathes sword* ...I am an arbiter. My activity was, is and will remain unnoticed. Just as you failed to notice it through entire 37279 posts.

Although, I don't bother my mind with past anymore. It cannot be changed in they way you think you could.

Edit: Now then. I will not interrupt, nor interfere, in your ambitious plans of self-destruction. Instead, I shall take my time and rest. Good night, and I wish you luck. You'll need it.

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*looks down into my tea cup with a grimace after Conor pops out of it*


I as well do not care much for Colton tea.

We are agreed in that respect.

Some have a taste for it, I do hear... but not I.

*tosses the tea cup over my shoulder where it explodes in a plume of green and yellow flame*

*my horns glow, grabing another cup and proceeding to pour fresh, searing hot tea into it, the cup squeaking and whimpering frantically*

But don't you know Volty?

It was /I/ who forged this forest!

Who tended to its bows and branches and vines and... venison.

The outline for this kingdom came from the empire of Applestia.

The beat of its heart, came from Fawkes and Penumbra.

And it's spirit, from those who inhabit it~

Fawkes is merely it's guiding spirit~

But come Volt, come!

Sit with me.

Take in a cup of atmosphere.

Bare witness to history.

Applestia rises from the ashes.

Burning brighter than the sun.

The REAL sun princess returns~

*sips from my tea cup, a Cheshire grin planted upon my lips*

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Well, whatever you ruled, you left it to become this. And I have vacated the throne, but you cannot claim to know whether my apologies are false or not. Sadly you're but a shadow of what you once were so I'm complying out of respect, not obligation. And you know I don't like tea Fawkes, though I thank you for offering what has always been one of the few drinks of the forest. I can appreciate that though, since most ponies here enjoy tea.

As for a throne choosing one, again I have no delusions of leadership. This particular ruin behind me is nothing more than a sad reminder.

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Oh, I see!

So Aria simply wishes to burn down the forest and then leave it leaderless!

*nod, nod*

SUCH an ingenious plan! :3

*takes a loooooong, slow sip of my tea*

What your foalish eyes perceive as a sad reminder is just another example of your ignorance, my dear little pony.

Those ruins are a monument to the first empire of Last Post Wins.

A monument to princess of fire and flame.

A princess of the sun who ruled with an iron hoof.

And as far as I can tell, she is still respected by many.

And she deserves to be.

Her accomplishments were great.

Her rule, mighty.

I have no doubt that her flame can return to the brilliance it once burned with~

*tilts head with a hint of a smile*

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*horn glows, levitating one of Conor's pies over to me and looking at it curiously*

You know Conor... pies helped win the Great War. That's a true story.

They played an integral role :3

*nibbles at teh pie*

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Good day, my friends. I'm sorry I don't as much time tending to the fiery flowers that are my beloved MLP community but I've been doing some things both personally and in school work.

I'm back now. I noticed some antics are going on. I really want to make an attempt to be active again...It would be nice to be have more great times like we did in the past.

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Well, whatever you ruled, you left it to become this. And I have vacated the throne, but you cannot claim to know whether my apologies are false or not. Sadly you're but a shadow of what you once were so I'm complying out of respect, not obligation. And you know I don't like tea Fawkes, though I thank you for offering what has always been one of the few drinks of the forest. I can appreciate that though, since most ponies here enjoy tea.

As for a throne choosing one, again I have no delusions of leadership. This particular ruin behind me is nothing more than a sad reminder.

You know, Aria. I love you like all my friends and buddies, while you may not have been here as long as some others, your personality will leave an impact on my heart that will live a hundred times the length of the period of that you and I will ever have contact with each other.

While I am surely happy to see you partaking in the group and getting into the role so well all upon your own accord. I am afraid I am going to have to disapprove....yes...I am in alliance with Fawkes. I am so proud of you though, you could of acted timid and not actively mingled at all but you put your charming personality to good use and you never left even when your account was deleted nor stopped shinning bright...its a shame you have decided to use all that you have reaped into doing this instead.

Good luck.

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Oh, I see!

So Aria simply wishes to burn down the forest and then leave it leaderless!

*nod, nod*

SUCH an ingenious plan! :3

*takes a loooooong, slow sip of my tea*

What your foalish eyes perceive as a sad reminder is just another example of your ignorance, my dear little pony.

Those ruins are a monument to the first empire of Last Post Wins.

A monument to princess of fire and flame.

A princess of the sun who ruled with an iron hoof.

And as far as I can tell, she is still respected by many.

And she deserves to be.

Her accomplishments were great.

Her rule, mighty.

I have no doubt that her flame can return to the brilliance it once burned with~

*tilts head with a hint of a smile*

Monuments are sad reminders, if nothing else. They represent what was, what was both taken and abandoned. If you lament it, you have naught to blame but yourselves. Her rule may indeed have been mighty, until you took the reigns... which only implies that none rule forever, not even the burning powerful princess you describe. In the end, all you're doing is speaking in small history lessons, when before you make thinly-veiled remarks that only profess your love for your mother. Nearly anything can return to its original brilliance, but the key word is "can." There must be a will to provide the catalyst in the first place. Potential is nothing without a spark to ignite the blaze. And, so I don't fall prey to the same method you're apparently choosing...

*sets off more blasts to scour the ground and trees, which send my mane tangling about my face*

They may be unimpressive by the standards of those who judge in teacups and pies, but they serve their purpose.

And thank you Sulvuss, though I never set this in motion with a thought of anypony siding with me. You should side with yourselves, as one.

*lowers head as all of my various personae shimmer into view from the haze behind me. Pinkie giggles, Celestaria frowns, Lunaria scoffs, Synth grins*

I've brought all the help I can muster, and I have the will to see my plan through.

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...when before you make thinly-veiled remarks that only profess your love for your mother.


Oh Aria.

Aria Aria Aria.

Silly Aria.

Continue on with your silly little crusade.

Continue on with your spiteful spree.

Explosives, flashes, and bangs.

Continue on destroying the home we all care so very much for.

It is no matter.

The old magic will remain.

Fawkes will remain and the forest will remain.

Sulvuss has decided to stand beside the home that he loves so very much.

Who else shall stand beside her?~

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