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Last post wins

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Ah, there we go. Much more to my expectations.

*munches on my marshmallow*

No more a fake princess than you are the self-proclaimed leader who took these lands from his mother. Do be civil, regardless of your assumptions.

But you ARE a fake princess. You have no royal claims.

You've tried to steal a title (and throne) which is still claimed by an owner :I

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Which title have I tried to take? Whose throne have I attempted? None. Applestia's was merely an old seat for me earlier, not any indication of claimed power.

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Should. I am the ever motion plane. I hold no stasis at the power or obligation of another. Why do you put weight on a thin string, Mad one?

But... but I thought... I thought you LOVED us, Sulvuss... >':

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Which title have I tried to take? Whose throne have I attempted? None. Applestia's was merely an old seat for me earlier, not any indication of claimed power.

You know, you do that whole sun princess thiiiiiiiiiiiing.

And sittin' on that throne was preeeeeetty suggestiiiiiiiiiive.

And you're on this whooooooole egotistical power trip sorta thiiiiiiiiiiing.

It's just like... come on, now :I

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A power trip is different than self-confidence. It was supposed to evoke imagery, yes, but again, I entertain no thoughts of gaining a throne. And a sun princess is not a sole title, for the sun is greater than all of us.

*Pinkie pokes at the funny-faced fire*

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A power trip is different than self-confidence. It was supposed to evoke imagery, yes, but again, I entertain no thoughts of gaining a throne. And a sun princess is not a sole title, for the sun is greater than all of us.

*Pinkie pokes at the funny-faced fire*

I'm sorry.

How many sun princesses are running around the world of MLP again?

And I don't mean the fannon world :I

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Yeeeeeeah, NOW you're gettin' it, my dear!

Now then.

This is a separate world that we find ourselves in.

This is Last Post Wins.

Buuuuuuut it follows the same general rules~

We have ONE draconequus.

And we have ONE sun princess.

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Denizens of the Forest of Madness!

This proclamation is to announce the arrival and alliance between Fawkes, Spirit of Madness and Top Hats, and his long, lost brother, Noah, Lord of Order.

He shall be moving into the Forest in order to preach his craaaaaaazy Order hub-bub as well as to return to the lands which he once called home. Under the terms of our agreement, Noah shall be given his own throne in the Forest and he shall be allowed to follow his blasphemous order of Order until he is driven entirely mad by the forest in which he shall reside, at which point he shall be fully welcomed with open arms by the Madmen~

As well, Noah is actively recruiting for his armies of Order. Any who happen to find themselves to be insufficiently mad or are curious about living an Ordered lifestyle, inquire with him. He shall be around.

Thank you and that is all~ :I


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*horn glows, cinder blocks appear underneath Frosty, tied to his hind legs*

Oh I'm goooooood.

I've been waging war against Aria all day long... kinda.

Shes mostly just been like... blowing stuff up all day and I've been sitting here rolling my eyes since I'm gonna have to fix all of it later :I

But yeah. Shes been blowing everything up because shes decided that she hates all of us :/

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*sits yawning in front of my tent, watching Lunaria and Celestaria focus on their spellwork*

Yes, I hate all of you. Truly. From the depths of my soul.

*burns a marshmallow over the fire*


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