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Wondering why I only have 3 star profile when I had 4 stars yesterday and five before that! Who is trashing my rep around here!?


I feel bad...

You both have 4. Liars! >:l

I'm simply grateful I'm not being judged myself on the other side :>




Exhausting, must have been.

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...wut? :I

Fawkes... did not catch my reference? You're falling behind, my friend.

Not mentioning that after what Noe said, I really had to fight myself in order to NOT implement that Rarity quote .-.

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I guess I have to admit that you're kinda the perfect troll.

Since, you know, no one can tell when you're saying something dumb to troll... and when you're NOT saying it to troll :I

Seriously, how about some tea? I'd like some Earl Grey with milk.

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Hm, none of you can compare to my obviously fathomless hatred however.

*rolls in large ballistae and walks into the command tent*

Another day, another battle.

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No problemo!

*Went to buy some teaspoons, tea pot, portable propane tank, foldable pan stand, and some exquisite various tea flavors, tea cups, tea plates, tea pot, water, half a gallon of milk, some honey, and sugar*

Can we have some tea now?

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*Crosses arms on chest*

Seems like you haven't learned anything, have you?

*Shakes head*

This is so... disappointing. One could have thought deities would have more common sense.

Humorous Villefort, I'm no deity. I'm just deranged.

*makes a signal for Summerfall to fire the first ballista*

At least what I've done so far is still smouldering. And did I destroy the tea set? I wasn't aware.

*watches as the giant flaming cake smashes into the ground and spreads in a wide pool of torched icing*

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