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*Sighs heavily, pointing sight into soil*

This used to be a wonderful place. Magical, even. Now it turns into pile of dust and ashes.

*Pierces Fawkes with eyes*

You were supposed to be its protector. You've said yourself, spirit guide. You failed its expectations, allowing her...

*Points sword at Aria's encampment*

...to commit the ultimate heresy, commit an open assassination... no... strict murder on this harmless and lovely place.

If I was permitted to act directly, I'd simply make my move towards eradication of any potential threats to this holy sanctum. But my requests for authorization of brutal force were denied.

*Shouts above the battlefield, voice echoing in the sky*

Your sins will be remembered, and won't be forgotten Aria. You can be sure of that, or I may no longer be called a foe by you.

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*nudges a charred rock with a toe*

*the rock disintegrates into dust*

*horn glows, compounding the dust into a dense, black cube*

*looks the cube over for a moment before throwing it over my shoulder into the shattered wasteland*

*waves paw dismissively at Volt*

Don't worry, Volt. Don't worry.

I'm just letting her do... whatever it is she's doing... for now.

It's kinda like how you let a hyper-active kid run himself into tiredness.

I'll put her to sleep after shes run herself out.

I can't really justify expending the energy to clean up her mess until that happens :I

*tilts head curiously*

But I AM quite curious, Volt...

Although I'm almost CERTAIN that you'll only give me some sort of vague, shadowy answer...

But just who is your master?

Who is it that you take orders from?

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*sends Summerfall flying over head to bring in storm clouds, which water the newly-planted mushrooms and singing trees*

Pinkie, what did you teach them to sing anyway?

*stops for a moment*

Never mind, I'm not sure I want to know.

*fires a freezer-burned fruit pie past the regrowth line*

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Ah... So that is your plan. Well, I'm not intending to interfere between you two. I was ordered to ensure that Forest will maintain its former glory. This or another way.

But just who is your master?

Who is it that you take orders from?

I am a hired executor of righteous will. It is up to me to decide whether I shall undertake any tasks, and I am responsible for my actions only in front of myself. And this issue seemed honorable, as one pony cared about this Forest and its inhabitants, and asked me to ensure it'll remain safe this or other way. Although she also denied me of using brute force, what I've mentioned earlier.

If you're curious about her name, I don't think there's anything wrong in giving it out. But I think a photo shall serve you better...


*Observes Aria's proceedings*

Amusing. Perhaps she isn't lost yet... I'm still awaiting the outcome, to be honest. I don't want to judge too early.

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*peeks out from the tent*

You're fine, all you need is the healing ability of one of your random video game characters.

*launches pain pills at SS*

There's those just in case though.

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*throws all the shattered tea cups up into the air*



A direct attack on our dearest SilverSwirl.

And not even the slightest bit of regret...

It is now undeniable.


Unresizable! :I

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My hatred knows no bounds. You've seen through my hopelessly complex theorems and equations for Silver's momentum, trajectory, speed, and the psychoanalysis that let me know exactly where he'd be at the time of pie launch.

*tugs a thundering chord from my bass that sets off countless hidden whipped cream mines*

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*grabs the pain pills*

I'm gonna grab everything I can!

*sneezes some of the pie out of his nose and loses floating balance, falling to the earth with a thud and a groan*

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My hatred knows no bounds. You've seen through my hopelessly complex theorems and equations for Silver's momentum, trajectory, speed, and the psychoanalysis that let me know exactly where he'd be at the time of pie launch.

*tugs a thundering chord from my bass that sets off countless hidden whipped cream mines*

King Solomon's Whipped Cream Mines?

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