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I use Imagination, and my flanks are sore. What a tired morning. And he's not gone, simply in his own mad little world right now.

*pats Fawkes*


I am battling the great beast!

At the top of the tallest tower!

Amidst bursts of hellfire and echoing shouts of claw dancing across steel!

The Gods turn their eyes from us and Fate watches with bated breath!

And in that moment did Equestria herself quiver, from sea to sea...

For with dark glare of ebony and fierce blaze of ice did their gazes shake the world...

And decide the fates of all free ponies~

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Fawkes, this is unacceptable.

I need to be able to keep in constant contact! I blame YOU, Sir, for the chat going down!


None of this DDOS gobbltygook. I'll have none of it.

Hmm... Say, Magi...

Did you chip in 50 bucks to pay off the cost of the chat bar script? Because otherwise I don't think you are in any position for an outrage. ;D

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Become a staff.

Suddenly too good for all his OLD friends.

Yeah, we know how it is, Magi >:'I

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I am battling the great beast!

At the top of the tallest tower!

Amidst bursts of hellfire and echoing shouts of claw dancing across steel!

The Gods turn their eyes from us and Fate watches with baited breath!

And in that moment did Equestria herself quiver, from sea to sea...

For with dark glare of ebony and fierce blaze of ice did their gazes shake the world...

And decide the fates of all free ponies~

See? I told you. His own mad little world.

Fawkes, this is unacceptable.

I need to be able to keep in constant contact! I blame YOU, Sir, for the chat going down!


None of this DDOS gobbltygook. I'll have none of it.

I broke it with all the stallions (and mares!) trying to talk to me. Well, all except for one particular alicorn.

I wish.


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I sense some hostility here, please tell the camera every problem you have so I can put in on Youtube.

It all started when I was just a little girl, growing up in rural lunar base alpha...

Mother always told me I'd be something. That's it really, just something. Kindof a cop-out answer if you ask me. Didn't even give me examples of what I could strive for. So I conferred of my pet rock, whom I named Dusty, my problem. He was quick to respond with 'lolumad'. I, of course, was going to have no more of his abuse. I was only 3! And so I put him in my mouth and promptly spat him back out. He was named Dusty for a reason.

But then father saw I didn't have my helmet on and he got into an argument over it with the local creek, which flooded and caused life on the moon for a second time.

Therefore, children should not have to wear helmets on bicycles, because it could help them play God.

Thank you.

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Imagination? I need your aid!

I can't imagine snow...

I can't believe I didn't see this before! Let me help you, child!

See... Snow is like nothing. It's white! Like a blank canvas! Picture a sheet of paper with some dead trees sticking out of it, and you got a winter scene! Yay!

Don't eat yellow snow, though. High in calories, you see.

And snowING? Well it's like fallout you can eat!

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It all started when I was just a little girl, growing up in rural lunar base alpha...

Mother always told me I'd be something. That's it really, just something. Kindof a cop-out answer if you ask me. Didn't even give me examples of what I could strive for. So I conferred of my pet rock, whom I named Dusty, my problem. He was quick to respond with 'lolumad'. I, of course, was going to have no more of his abuse. I was only 3! And so I put him in my mouth and promptly spat him back out. He was named Dusty for a reason.

But then father saw I didn't have my helmet on and he got into an argument over it with the local creek, which flooded and caused life on the moon for a second time.

Therefore, children should not have to wear helmets on bicycles, because it could help them play God.

Thank you.

Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle is the only reason I'm alive today.


Also, to make your eyes laugh and your vocal cords burn in terror:


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I think a denial is in order...




Oh my, we've been waiting dreadfully long for you to arrive!

Quite rude to turn up so very late, if I do say so myself.

But no matter.

What is done is done.

The first steps have been taken.

Come, come!


Have a cup.

Tickle your fancy for awhile.

Let me here it giggle.

Welcome Home, Harv0kz~

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You can't beat Fawkes, baby!

Quickest gun in the Forest.

Droppin them Scootaloos and makin them mares FAINT, in 10 seconds flat~

I dislike you sometimes :artax:

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