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Seriously? Someone reported me? That's low you guys. That's really low.

I didn't think you'd resort to that, but wow. I'm actually disappointed.

Who was it, huh? If you feel the need to turn to the man for support, you could at least admit it. Buck you, whoever you are. You are dead to me.

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Seriously? Someone reported me? That's low you guys. That's really low.

I didn't think you'd resort to that, but wow. I'm actually disappointed.

Who was it, huh? If you feel the need to turn to the man for support, you could at least admit it. Buck you, whoever you are. You are dead to me.

I don't file reports. I hate reports.

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This really ticks me off. Thanks for adding more restraints to the world. Thanks for ruining it for all of us. Oh, yes, one side topped with a flash loop that was just toooooooo much. Too much to endure, obviously. No, we needed to disable it altogether.

I hope you get a bucking reporter's award, so I know who to loose all respect for. Whoever it was, I despise you. You are what's wrong with this world. At least show the spine to admit to it!

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Oh I wont drop this. I will find out who did this. Rest assured.

Whatever happens. It will eventually subside. The thread community is too strong to degrade over most major or minor things. It would take a massive feud between everyone on a personal level to break this place up.

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*comes out from hiding*

Davvy, Angie is kinda annoyed too >_> not at you. I'm kinda neutral, but leaning more towards Davvy's side .−.

*goes back into hiding*

don't ask me questions o)3)

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I didn't file the report... I was thinking about it but I am too depressed and dissapointed right now to even bother with filing reports about anything.... Or bother doing anything at all...

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