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Penumbra is never ever alone in the Forest.

The Forest will always be watching and listening and waiting.

For Fawkes IS the Forest and the Forest is Fawkes.

Fawkes is always watching and listening and waiting.


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Penumbra is never ever alone in the Forest.

The Forest will always be watching and listening and waiting.

For Fawkes IS the Forest and the Forest is Fawkes.

Fawkes is always watching and listening and waiting.


Don't steal my lines.

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But my oh my oh my!

Always in stages!

NEVER in phases!

Twos and threes and fours!

Never ones, never negatives, never inverses.

The Forest always claims in stages!

One for Mania.

One for Dementia.

One for Mania.

One for Dementia.








You have already departed...

Welcome Home all the same.

I do hope I shall be seeing more of those pretty, bright glazzies~ <3


INDEED as Penumbra has already made evident, we HAVE been waiting for you for QUITE some time now.

TERRIBLY late you are.

How rude. TERRIBLY rude.

You should be terribly ashamed.

Ashamed terribly.

Don't cry though. No time for tears.

You've already wasted all of it.

Welcome Home to you as well, my dearest King.

Do stay awhile.

We have OH so many things to show you~

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But my oh my oh my!

Always in stages!

NEVER in phases!

Twos and threes and fours!

Never ones, never negatives, never inverses.

The Forest always claims in stages!

One for Mania.

One for Dementia.

One for Mania.

One for Dementia.








You have already departed...

Welcome Home all the same.

I do hope I shall be seeing more of those pretty, bright glazzies~ <3


INDEED as Penumbra has already made evident, we HAVE been waiting for you for QUITE some time now.

TERRIBLY late you are.

How rude. TERRIBLY rude.

You should be terribly ashamed.

Ashamed terribly.

Don't cry though. No time for tears.

You've already wasted all of it.

Welcome Home to you as well, my dearest King.

Do stay awhile.

We have OH so many things to show you~

Phases is a line. We move in circles.

WE move in circles yet we wait in lines. Don't look closer, but move as into me as you can. You need to peer at the inside from the outside, what way is the right direction?

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Seriously? Someone reported me? That's low you guys. That's really low.

I didn't think you'd resort to that, but wow. I'm actually disappointed.

Who was it, huh? If you feel the need to turn to the man for support, you could at least admit it. Buck you, whoever you are. You are dead to me.

I really barely stopped myself from doing it. But it's LPW. You don't act against own teammates in THIS thread. Although I don't hide, I wouldn't hesitate to act against you outside :) Still, thankfully, wasn't me.

Such disharmony. Appalling.

I've tried. And I became a victim...

Plus being single and no ladies around that aren't already in a relationship really sucks

There are other things besides women to keep you occupied (not like that, as in hobbies, perverts)

Sure there are different things. But none of them will keep you occupied better than an opposite gender. In positive meaning, of course. I value the companionship of women infinitely more than men.

Having a female in your life or any sort of partner won't make things better.

'tis a lie. Having somebody whom you may depend on in every case won't make things better? No, no no. It contradicts logic and common sense. It doesn't affect course of actions directly usually, but try discovering what miracles it may bring upon the state of your mind.

Of course there are! Of course there are >.>

I join you on this sarcastic approach, because it gave me that smile which little things tend to give. Amen to that.

I haven't jumped into the middle of anything today, so here goes nothing.

Ello, ello!

Curses. And curses once more. You made me feel guilty that I didn't have that much time to respond in RP lately >< As I've said in applications area not so long time ago, I'm home for holidays for about 2-3 days more. That's why my replies slowed down lately.

I've stepped out of the rabbit hole, but did I ever step in?

I think you'll find you need time to answer that one.

Such a shame we're running out, with half a face, no one can read left, and no one can hear right

Clock is ticking!

This sounds like Penumbra&Fawkes in one person .-.




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Sure there are different things. But none of them will keep you occupied better than an opposite gender. In positive meaning, of course. I value the companionship of women infinitely more than men.

'tis a lie. Having somebody whom you may depend on in every case won't make things better? No, no no. It contradicts logic and common sense. It doesn't affect course of actions directly usually, but try discovering what miracles it may bring upon the state of your mind.

No. No it doesn't. It make you rely on one person who is not obligated to look out for your best interest at heart to work wonder on your state of mind. This is un-healthy. Never do it. Not to a boyfriend, not a girl, not to a friend unless you been with them for years and years it becomes bluntly obvious through life long actions their going to do their best for you solely.

If you are using a girl to work wonder on your mind then they are essentially a organic stone wall to lean or a med kite for your soul and not a genuine friend. Relying l the responsability onto someone is not fair on both parties. There are small chance of finding another party of find the same use for you-real love-but this is mythical at best and we shouldn't be running after miracles. What you should focus on is small steps to loving yourself.-I'm referring to silver here, not you vill-

Make money, have a go at a few hobbies. Try to socialize a little more. Get out a tad. Take small steps toward that goal you want and even if you get knocked on your back then give it another go. Being put to the ground is just another chance to see the realism of the scenario your in and for you to make the necessaries changes, safety assurances and new tactics.

But..hey..what do I know.

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No. No it doesn't. It make you rely on one person who is not obligated to look out for your best interest at heart to work wonder on your state of mind. This is un-healthy. Never do it. Not to a boyfriend, not a girl, not to a friend unless you been with them for years and years it becomes bluntly obvious through life long actions their going to do their best for you solely.

If you are using a girl to work wonder on your mind then they are essentially a organic stone wall to lean or a med kite for your soul and not a genuine friend. Relying l the responsability onto someone is not fair on both parties. There are small chance of finding another party of find the same use for you-real love-but this is mythical at best and we shouldn't be running after miracles. What you should focus on is small steps to loving yourself.-I'm referring to silver here, not you vill-

Make money, have a go at a few hobbies. Try to socialize a little more. Get out a tad. Take small steps toward that goal you want and even if you get knocked on your back then give it another go. Being put to the ground is just another chance to see the realism of the scenario your in and for you to make the necessaries changes, safety assurances and new tactics.

But..hey..what do I know.

I'm just taking something and running with it. Not much activity in the thread.

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No. No it doesn't. It make you rely on one person who is not obligated to look out for your best interest at heart to work wonder on your state of mind. This is un-healthy. Never do it. Not to a boyfriend, not a girl, not to a friend unless you been with them for years and years it becomes bluntly obvious through life long actions their going to do their best for you solely.

I doubt I'd ever put my best friends in front of the one I truly love (unless they tried to tell me something bad about her, but I'd still have to investigate on my own then, and I cannot even imagine this happening though to be honest, seeing how fine they get along together), and I expect no less from the other side. Sure, you may call me naive at this field, I'm aware of that. But if I can't turn with an issue to people I love most, who am I left with? If she wouldn't care for my best interest, it would mean she wouldn't care for her own as well. It would be a torture for me to see my gf having problems I COULD help with, but being turned down when I'd try. If it wouldn't be the same for her... then it would mean I've made a typical mistake in life. That's my approach, and, thankfully, I share it with others here.

Somebody wise once told me, that loving others means nothing less than devoting your life to them.

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