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It occasionally happens that I'm blunt and reveal something.

Yes. Yes! That's exactly what hit me. With a shovel right in face. I was waiting for you to say something this way, wondering if this will ever occur. Today... Today, I shall mark this event in my journal. Even though I don't have one. But I guess that's a good line to start it, right?

Also, really nopony knows what happened to Saren :/? He tried to be... anonymous too much?

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Hey peggly sus! BFL smuggled me some mad tea leaves for giving him 5 of my clones with Silver Armor.

*gives peggly the leaves*

Have fun!

*pats peggly on the back, avoiding the tea tray on his head*



We need to march again!


*starts marching towards Fawkes, clad in striped tshirts and baseball caps.*


*clones pull out their Casey bats and hold them in one hoof, the other raised to their foreheads as the march halts in front of Fawkes*

We are ready Fawkes!

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Thanks Silver, but I already know how to make Mad Tea, and the appropriate ingredients >:3

I gave you the ingredients to add to your stores. That is all.

*looks at clipboard

Replacement clones should be arriving any minute now!

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Those were Angie's clones that she created! Oh man!!!!

*looks at clipboard and marks some fields*

Well, looks like I am going back to my sunflower...

*floats up to his sunflower home*

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