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Conor, that will be very soon.

Considering that this place has been nuked, bombed, linflicted with love, driven by chaos and now contains the power of three god ponies. I don't think any land, even immortal touched can stand too long, especially with other immortals changing it again and again.

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Oh my god!

Have I caused all this, I was the one who killed Fawkes and started this chain of events...

We're all dead because of me....

No, he said you would be beside him while you watch all of us die.

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Aw, don't worry guys. I'll use my powers to stop you from sinking!

You know, Irockz. If you have any RP, problems then I am more than happy to help.

I role played for seven years, I am no master but perhaps I can at least assist you.

Thanks, but I'm not sure if you can help much. I just feel a bit nervous of getting into the conversation/story... It may be linked to a pride issue with me, but I just feel nervous that my post will make me look like an idiot...

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In Madness, death is only a minor technicality!

Do not fret, my children!

For once your bodies match your minds, broken and shattered, your minds, every one, shall join me in the Undying Lands! The Blessed Country! The Writhing Terrain!

The Shivering Islands!

There, you shall exist forever.

And we shall have... peeeace~

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Oh my god!

Have I caused all this, I was the one who killed Fawkes and started this chain of events...

We're all dead because of me....

No, Conor we are not dead.

THEY are all dead because of you.

I have seen you grow into a wonderfully, crazy pony these past few weeks.

I can't wait to see your face as everything you have ever know burns to the ground!

You have been one of the few invited final tea party in the world!

Bring cake.

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I hardly beleive you can appear like an idiot in any fashion, Irockz. I am sure you will be fine.

What is it exactly that is worrying you?

I'm not really the best at putting words together... Seeing the grammar that everypony on the RP section uses, mine is mediocre to an extent... I don't know... Something is always holding me back.

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I'm not really the best at putting words together... Seeing the grammar that everypony on the RP section uses, mine is mediocre to an extent... I don't know... Something is always holding me back.

If you like, I can help you. I'll personally RP 1-1 if you like so you can get expereince and feed back or I can review you and mentor you. I have mentored people before.

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If you like, I can help you. I'll personally RP 1-1 if you like so you can get expereince and feed back or I can review you and mentor you. I have mentored people before.

Thanks! However, I do still get a little nervous even on a 1-1. Would be something you would put in the RP section, or PM?

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