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Sorry to hear that Sulvy, I hope it doesn't effect you negatively

I got rejected 3 times for this crap even though I am meant to get it with my past record. So I had to deal with one accusatory doctor implying it might be my family and the hospital didn't even bother to let us know if we was confirmed or not Then we had to get new doctor finally after 2-3 months and finally I get some sort of reference sent and I get a confirm after..two...then my appointment was 3 weeks away and now they moved it forward again.

Well, its only a few days but still...already anxious about all this.

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I got rejected 3 times for this crap even though I am meant to get it with my past record. So I had to deal with one accusatory doctor implying it might be my family and the hospital didn't even bother to let us know if we was confirmed or not Then we had to get new doctor finally after 2-3 months and finally I get some sort of reference sent and I get a confirm after..two...then my appointment was 3 weeks away and now they moved it forward again.

Well, its only a few days but still...already anxious about all this.

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine :3

Though it does sound rather annoying to be thrown around like that

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Aww, I hope it goes away, and my gamertag is Unkindmoney.

On Xbox I only have ME3 left, I sold the others to help pay for my car.

Also, at the moment my grades have gotten me grounded, so even Mass Effect 3 is unavailiable.

Luckily TAKS scores come in, and that usually gets me free for a night or two.

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You really ARE attuned to Penumbry, aren't you?


Well good.

Hes gone FAR too long without a loyal psychopath at his side.

Without a Harley Quinn.

I do hope you survive.


I misread that gamertag xD

Well... the lower part of all that is still true :'3

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You really ARE attuned to Penumbry, aren't you?


Well good.

Hes gone FAR too long without a loyal psychopath at his side.

Without a Harley Quinn.

I do hope you survive.


I misread that gamertag xD

Well... the lower part of all that is still true :'3

Whose gamertag did you misread? And WHAT did you read?

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Thought it said Monkey, not Money :'I

Penumbry has a 'monkey' in his gamertag.

That's OvalMonkey to you!

Me and thedoctorstig with F' you up with our awsome reach skills.

You'll be all like

"Two against one isn't fair'

And we'll be all like.

"If you wanted a fair fight, you shoudn't have challended us!"



And then you'll help OvalMonkey to the story on Lengandary because he hasn't be botherd to do that yet.


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