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Snipers are cowards.

Jus sayin' :I

'tis a lie! Snipers were the most courageous participants in wars in past. Staying alone, hopefully moderately covered by your army and taking out single targets, looking directly in their faces, knowing that if you shoot once, you must escape already because of giving out your position.

Not like today, where you fire a bullet from hundreds of meters away and you laugh because they can't even get close to your position since you have whole army next to you.

This is not the time for your war ethics, Fawkes! Snipers like myself provide necessary contributions to any combat unit. Besides, I'm too fragile for mid or close-range combat. Always do what you're best at.

Oh, and the aforementioned Barrett .50cal Tyler. It's my baby. Now with Kung Fu thermal scope action!

Range combat for the win. My eyes are much more suited for fighting than my manual coordination. Although, mid-close combat is best! Sure, snipers are awesome and so on, but mobility. That's what counts today.

Oh, yeah, I've gotta make a Peggly-Sus App :I

When are we starting the RP?

What the hay~ Now I must make an app for my char which would suit the idea I revived (not saying that I came up with it, because I bet somebody else did it earlier)? Hilarious, I'm falling behind?

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these poor people

in the cutiemark request thread

with marks that are obviously too big or the wrong name

and they're drawn all scribbly-like on gimp or something 'cause they don't know about the pen tool

I want to help them :cry:

but then I remember I want to do other things too

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these poor people

in the cutiemark request thread

with marks that are obviously too big or the wrong name

and they're drawn all scribbly-like on gimp or something 'cause they don't know about the pen tool

I want to help them :cry:

but then I remember I want to do other things too


Love lead to fear of loss, loss leads to desperation and desperation leads to anger and anger leads to the dark side.

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Love lead to fear of loss, loss leads to desperation and desperation leads to anger and anger leads to the dark side.

That's hardly an epiphany compared to mine that I just had right now:

Grass feeds cows, cows produce manure, manure fertilizes the ground, the ground grows grass, grass leads to the dark side, obviously.

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I would do that if mom's dumb computer had anything other than MS paint XD

there's still the whole hand-drawn thing that I want to fix too. I see a lot of those marks and think "hey, I should PM them and offer to make a vector for 'em" but then I think "nooooooooooooo then I gotta do MORE of these things DX"

I already have one for quicklime that I gotta do XD

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yeah, she linked me to one of your drawings XD

prolly has to do with the fact that I posted all my marks in my art topic, then did both tales' and imagination's requests in less than 15 minutes

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it's the one with you and her and you can see her cutie mark and there's like a picture or something and like a desk or whateves I think maybe a swivel chair but I dun know and a door or somethin' and like jakets or some who-haw

blarg I dun wanna punctuate today

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it's the one with you and her and you can see her cutie mark and there's like a picture or something and like a desk or whateves I think maybe a swivel chair but I dun know and a door or somethin' and like jakets or some who-haw

blarg I dun wanna punctuate today

No punctuating?

That hurts, Angie.

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