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For example, Ythac, I added a -y to the end of Cath because it's the first part of your name. then when you said that you wanted the opposite of Cathy, the only logical step would be to call you Ythac :I

well, if cathy wasnt a girl name id be fine with it! it actually sounds pretty cool. but im still dizzy from the whole syllable thing. the dizzyness may be the fact taht i just downed two liters of rootbeer in about 20 minutes, but i actually started crying a bit too! three syllables when you only had to say two... its just unbearable!
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Prototype intial skecthe.

I wanted to do something with me and all my friends in class as cartoon version of ourselfs in a project-like a game or something-


Its pretty crappy as it is. Yes, I do dress like that, the beard is a recent thing. I do walk around with that much swag. No the spear is a reference to ragna the blood edge, the belt with hate on it is a guilty gear reference and my hat is a hazama reference. I need more reference. I also plan to have a tekken glove on or a ryu glove globe on the opposite side.

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Need more references? Why not a Pip-Boy!

But yes, Blazblue references ftw :I

Guilty gear/ Blazblue/ tekken and street fighter. I would include something to arcana hearts but I made that game my life long enemy.

Also the gimmick of the idea is that everyone cartoon version have a iconic personality trait attached to them physically. I like fighting games alot, thus my cartoon self look like a fighting game character but he made of all the references of other characters.

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Also, Angie, I found an easy and good way to make ponies in Ps today

I kinda wanna show you my work, seeing as you're one of the LPW artists, but I'd hate to just shove it in your face and ask your opinion

show Angie :^D but quickly, she has to get a shower soon, and it might not load on my 3DS

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these are the body types I was practicing on... I think 5 and 6 are my favorite.

6 is definitely the best one.the "heels" on the back legs don't jut out far, the body isn't too skinny, and the legs are the closest to the right shape. you've got the start of a good stallion there :3

one think I'll point out is that you're making your bodies too long. a good thing to keep in mind is that pony bodies are generally shaped like jelly beans.

another thing, like I said before, is that you're making the heels stick out (the nubbly thing where the back leg bends). if you actually look at a pony from the show, the heels barely stick out at all. they only go out the same distance that the flank sticks out.

start with those tips, and if you draw something else, come show it to me again :3

shower time~

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