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The controls are horrible on Purpose, Penby.

The whole reason is to make you feel like you don't have too much control without runining the game. Its meant to a be a everyday guy, who would fight effectively in those kind of conditions but they can't make you stutter, slip up and inexpereinced with dealing with this kind of threat(heck, most common people properly would have only one or two minor fights under their belt at best with some dude, most likely in school years) which you would be so they did the next best thing and gave it camera angles and somewhat rigged controls.

Its all apart of the design.

Yes. I got an idea. I know so far the character story-ish, I thinking about adding many layers upon it. I know his name and appearence so far.

He will live with a younger man who roughly 17-19 years old who lives in the apartment with him although later he finds a diary entry he used to have that concernend his time back at his home, SIlent Hill. He later on finds himself getting increasingly stressed out and un-able to eat for various reasons emotionally and its effects him to the point of about 2 weeks before he finally sits down and stares at the page before deciding to go to SIlent Hill.

That my concept intro anyway..I might change..I might change it entirely infact. I don't want to use the "dreams" like most SIlent Hill intro have nor do I want to resort to using letters or something akin to that. I want it to be original.

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It might be also due to the fact mine isn't entirely legit and so is clunky at times.

Like it won't let me talk to some dame at the start and some of the buttons aren't quite responsive.

It won't let you talk to ang?

Weird, it should do that by defualt without any button inputs.

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It won't let you talk to ang?

Weird, it should do that by defualt without any button inputs.

Is she the girl in the grave yard?

Coz I walked up to her and it had a cut scene. And then it was normal in game and then it froze.

Neater of us were moving and there were not text boxes. Then i just pressed 'space' and when on my merry way.

If you want me to be more vague, just ask

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Is she the girl in the grave yard?

Coz I walked up to her and it had a cut scene. And then it was normal in game and then it froze.

Neater of us were moving and there were not text boxes. Then i just pressed 'space' and when on my merry way.

If you want me to be more vague, just ask

The cutscene happens..nothing else proceeds it. It shouldn't freeze, I can't remember if she meant to walk off or if you just can''t interact with her.

It sounds like it sort of working..apart from the freeze.

DEATHOSNG. I started on that book. Want to see my skecthe for the main character?

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The cutscene happens..nothing else proceeds it. It shouldn't freeze, I can't remember if she meant to walk off or if you just can''t interact with her.

It sounds like it sort of working..apart from the freeze.

DEATHOSNG. I started on that book. Want to see my skecthe for the main character?

Alright. It just seemed a bit odd, and she actually hasn't gone anywhere. If i interact with her again, it does the same thing.

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