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Drink Powerthirst with Rainbow Dash and powerspawn babies, so many babies! 400 BABIES! Give shocklate to your babies and they'll be good at SPORTS! It'll make them run ABNORMALLY FAST! They'll run as fast as KENYANS, people will see them running and think they're KENYANS and they'll run agianst actual KENYANS and then there'll be a tie and they'll be deported back to KENYAAAAAAA.

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Drink Powerthirst with Rainbow Dash and powerspawn babies, so many babies! 400 BABIES! Give shocklate to your babies and they'll be good at SPORTS! It'll make them run ABNORMALLY FAST! They'll run as fast as KENYANS, people will see them running and think they're KENYANS and they'll run agianst actual KENYANS and then there'll be a tie and they'll be deported back to KENYAAAAAAA.

... >:[

Almost worthy of an Internet.

Almost. Here.

Lemme fix dat for ya~

Drink Powerthirst with Rainbow Dash and powerspawn foals, so many foals! 400 FOALS! Give shocklate to your foals and they'll be good at FLYING! It'll make them fly ABNORMALLY FAST! They'll fly as fast as RAINBOW DASH, ponies will see them flying and think they're RAINBOW DASH and they'll fly agianst actual RAINBOW DASH and then there'll be a tie and she'll be deported back to RAINBOW DASHIAAAAAAAAA.


No charge~

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Hmm... It seems my love campaign has yet to begin. Otherwise you would've been stricken down by your own conflict of interests by now. You'd start to love, but you don't have time for love. There's insanity to be had. But loving everythign is just about the craziest thing one could do. This indecisison would... nay... WILL break you.

And when it does, I'll be there. To love you.

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There's insanity to be had. But loving everythign is just about the craziest thing one could do.

You've already nailed the final outcome of that li'l love campaign, I see :3

The outcome which already exists before the conflict could arise.

The victory before the war broke out.

The bite before the swing of the blade.

I love everything and everyone, Imagination. You silly zealots seem to think otherwise. You seem to think I... mmmmmmmm, HATE >:3

A Madman does not hate. He is not capable.

Except for the ones who are. They are exceptional at hating.

But that's besides the point. Beyond it. Before it. Behind it.

The point IS, is that I don't make a THING out of it >:3

I love you.

But I may fancy slitting your throat to practice my painting~

I love you.

But I enjoy the giggles it gives me to see your mane covered in chocolate sauce.

I love you.

But love is defined by the lover. And I love running my tongue over your gray matter~

So go ahead with your li'l campaign. I'll be here in the end. I'll love you just like I love you now.

And the Golden Apple will glow just as brightly as it does now.

You can't break what's already broken~ <3 :3

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