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So not in the mood to crack music programes.

What kind of song?

I write lryics.only somtimes..Its not something I normally do but...people liked them and said I should do it more often..so I did for a little while...then I stopped.

Well it's electro/dubstep xD

Lyrics? That's great. I would sing but i dont have a good microphone and my voice isn't that fantastic.

Why did you stop? :<

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Well it's electro/dubstep xD

Lyrics? That's great. I would sing but i dont have a good microphone and my voice isn't that fantastic.

Why did you stop? :<

Well, People told me they were good but I never really wrote lryics. I just wrote one randomly and they asked me to keep doing it. So occasionaly I did it but I ended up leaving them and kind of stopped after that. I didn't really spend too much time on them anyway. One a work in progress that I never refined thats meant to be about two brothers fighting:

Here it is: The lest its something to read.

Symmetrical blood-prototype-(meant for a warrior character reserved for later RPs):

Hold on, don't let go. Are we forgetting all we know is, there such a thing as regret when kindred only see death.

Are we lost in memories or we just to blind to see, revenge is deufualt nature, animals morales now seem slender compaired to the hate that we amassed for

this agenda.

I still remember lives once splender, how we fallen into greive.

and I still speak even when will stand in this waist deep.

I still recall.

(background singer)

I still recall


Your touch, your kiss.

How have we been reduced to this.

Your eyes, they twicth.

Bodies left within a dicth.

Your hope, run dry.

Mountains stare at desert ground.

Oh were did we turn around.

Path have closed, bridges burn .

Roads to future changed to U Turns

once more we close these doors.

Are those tears from your eyes or is the pain just too much to hide.

How could things become so cold, how could we fall into shadows.

The memories only envoke, a repeat of rapture once seen.

The heat feels so cool, compared to my hate for you.

Your eyes have gone dim, no longer do we grin. How do we bath in sin.

Even now as we stare forth, we feel no more remorse, even now as we hold on, it to test to see which one is more strong.

The red weeping from your wounds, only sooth the hunger than my soul presumes.

Demons in shadows twist, harmony tainted and wasted.

How can turn back now, the tremble in your voice hardly inspires rejoice.

Oh how we have lost it all. It seems we have tumbled into thorns.

Blood onced that rushed with delight, now only rushes as we fight.

The joys that we once expressed now only vanish under our stress, blessed for all thy pain. We fell into thanks to your vain.

Hello stranger. I don't know your name, your and my enemies have become the same.

Trust plucked like flowers, wishes repeated for hours.

Oh how have we come this way. Are we forsaken or merely for play.

Like toys for the darkest of demons or the tainted of saints.

Are just jesters on strings, tragic comedy are our sins.

Deeds left un-anwsered. Questions left un-asked.

Do we put our souls to the task.

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