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She. Never knew I gave off that kind of vibe, especially with my avatar.

Ok, Dokie, Lokie. Give me a sec. I'm doing a few reviews. Let me write down the beginning of my script and I'll read your storie.

Thanks mate I really appreciate it. I don't think anyone actually took the time to read all of it and its kind of making me a little sad, I put 9 hours into making it after all.
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Your love can't immotralize me, only Celestia can do that.

Freindship is magic, freindship links the elements of harmony. The elements of harmony can destroy all forms of threats from luna and Discord. And most likely Celestia her self as she hardly posed much threat to either of them without the elements. There go love is a higher than freindship, thus love is stronger than Celestia, the elements, luna and discord.

Love can easily immortalize you my dear. For you have been under its effect as soon as you entered this thread.

Anyway. Going to go read that story now.

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Freindship is magic, freindship links the elements of harmony. The elements of harmony can destroy all forms of threats from luna and Discord. And most likely Celestia her self as she hardly posed much threat to either of them without the elements. There go love is a higher than freindship, thus love is stronger than Celestia, the elements, luna and discord.

Love can easily immortalize you my dear. For you have been under its effect as soon as you entered this thread.

Anyway. Going to go read that story now.

Thanks mate, please tell me what you think of it and if there are any errors please do tell me

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