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Freindship is magic, freindship links the elements of harmony. The elements of harmony can destroy all forms of threats from luna and Discord. And most likely Celestia her self as she hardly posed much threat to either of them without the elements. There go love is a higher than freindship, thus love is stronger than Celestia, the elements, luna and discord.

Love can easily immortalize you my dear. For you have been under its effect as soon as you entered this thread.


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lets all go watch Robert Downey Jr. act absolutely nothing like Sherlock Holmes!

Clearly, Sherlock Holmes was portrayed entirely incorrectly by Sir Doyle.

In all actuality, Mr. Holmes should've acted more like Mr. Downey Jr~

Some writers just can't pull together a proper character =/

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Clearly, Sherlock Holmes was portrayed entirely incorrectly by Sir Doyle.

In all actuality, Mr. Holmes should've acted more like Mr. Downey Jr~

Some writers just can't pull together a proper character =/




Clearly somepony has not watched the new Sherlock series.

In that one Sherlock acts all traditional and actually seem like Sherlock.

Appose to Downey Jr who only has one style of acting.

Watch Iron man, Due date and Sherlock and tell me they aren't all the same character.

Tell me.

Tell Penumbra.


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He can if he wants, but it does not make me feel good.

Penumbra was referring to Penumbra. His influence has caused the death of somepony. He is unsure whether he should congratulate Conor or condemn Conor.

Maybe Penumbra could do both!

At the same time!

Next time Penumbra sees Conor, he's going to give him a celebration to die for.

ha ha harrr.

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Penumbra was referring to Penumbra. His influence has caused the death of somepony. He is unsure whether he should congratulate Conor or condemn Conor.

Maybe Penumbra could do both!

At the same time!

Next time Penumbra sees Conor, he's going to give him a celebration to die for.

ha ha harrr.

Well... That would be better than nothing.

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Guns, eh? Guns are terrible things.

Besides, there's much funner things to use to attack others.


Well LOOKIT who decided to rain down her golden graces upon us mere mortals >:[

Ah, hello again, Fawkes. I would have come sooner, but wouldn't you know, instead of coal on Christmas, I got a fever.

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