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*slowly compacting into self





One day




You'll regret everything




One day


But not yet.


*presses down*

Ya comfy?

I'm comfy.


My current drink of choice :I

I enjoy beer.


-slips two pieces of bread into Appy's back, plugs her into a wall with a derp face-


Push the tail down. That's how it starts getting toasted.

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this is a story about me. it was written by Kumaphin in just under an hour.

This is the story of a girl. A girl named Angela Gladys. One day this Angela Gladys character awoke to a strange noise. She left her room and the early morning light almost blinded her as it shone through the hallway window. Further down the hallway, she saw the door to the bathroom swinging wildly, banging against the wall.

“That’s curious,” She thought to herself, “I could have sworn that door was closed before.”

She crossed the hallway towards the bathroom door and peered in over the threshold. Everything seemed normal. The toothbrushes were in place, and the porcelain wall tiles were in their regular, slightly dirty state. She decided that there was nothing abnormal, as the door had now stopped banging, and chocked the whole incident up to a nightmare. She started back towards her room, when behind her she heard an even louder bang then any of those before. She quickly span around to see the bathroom door shut, and the shadows of feet appear in the crack below the door.

“Who’s in there?” Angela yelled, banging on the door.

There was no audible response, but her banging seemed to have startled the creature, as it’s shadow quickly ran from the door. Angela tried opening the door, but found it locked. Angry and scared, she ran back to her room and dug a bobby pin out of her night-table drawer. She ran back to the bathroom door and began to feverishly pick the lock. Behind the door she could hear the creature knocking things over in panic. At last she heard the bolt click open, and she tore open the door. Toothpaste and brushes were scattered all over the floor along with towels and the shattered remains of a glass. She was just in time to see a shape slip out of the window. Angela through down the bobby pin in anger and ran outside, still in her pajamas.

The harsh Winnipeg winter air tore at her skin, and she had to squint to stop the tears from blurring her vision. She ran around the house, feet sinking into the snow, to where the bathroom window exited to. She could see small footprints leading away from the ground directly below the window. She followed the footsteps around the beige exterior of the house, until she saw that they came to a stop beside a window into the basement. Angela swore silently, and ran back into the house, taking a minute to warm up before running towards the basement door.

She had some inhibitions about opening the door to the basement. The room beneath was dimly lit, and most of the carpet was wet and covered in mold. Nobody went into the basement unless they absolutely had to. Angela took a deep breath and opened the door, descending the creaking stairs into the damp below.

Angela fumbled around the walls for a moment, looking for the light switch. She found her target, and clicked it on. The room was suddenly filled with the harsh light of two long fluorescent light fixtures. The moist carpet reflected the light, almost obscuring it’s faded purple color. Angela wondered deeper into the basement, the carpet squishing against her feet. As she continued she began to feel an ominous force around her, that made her consider leaving. Angela wouldn’t be swayed however, she pulled up her strength and pushed forward, going around the corner that led into the laundry room that had been abandoned when the basement flooded. She felt a sudden sharp pain in her foot, and looked down to see the broken off head of a nail sticking slightly out of her foot. She swore to herself for the second time that day, but pressed on, too proud to turn back now. She flicked on the laundry rooms set of harsh fluorescents and was surprised to see that the carpet throughout the entire room was ripped to shreds, and random nails and bits of metal were scattered everywhere. In the center of the floor was the panels of an old washer-dryer set, put up against one another to create a small hut, which was kept together with old glue from the carpeting. She approached the metal hut carefully, making sure to keep her bleeding and injured foot behind her. She reached the hut and peered in through the a crack in the metal to see a pair of yellow eyes staring back out at her. She jumped back in panic, landing painfully on her injured foot, pressing the nail in further, forcing out a cry of pain. Sensing her weakness, the creature crawled out of the metal hut. It had four long appendages, which ended in what could have been a hand or a foot. The finger-toes each ended in a sharp claw, which further tore up the carpet as it made it’s way toward Angela.

Angela was paralyzed from fear and pain. Her foot was screaming at her, the nail was stabbing directly into a nerve, leaving her crippled on the ground. To add to this, the beast was crawling towards her, making hissing sounds from an unseen mouth. Angela tried to shuffle backwards, but her foot refused to move, instead forcing her leg to outstretch so that the rest of her body was safe, but the foot was a target in a pool of blood. The monster made sniffing sounds, moving it’s small head upwards as it did. Angela finally saw the mouth when the creature made a menacing smirk of sharp teeth. Angela’s body tensed up, her conscious mind giving up control to the reflexes.

The monster lunged at her foot, only to be shot across the room when Angela kicked out, connecting with the center of the beast’s face. It quickly recovered however, and in no time was already making it’s way back towards Angela. She had managed to stand at this point, and was ready when the beat lunged again. She quickly batted it down with her forearm, slamming it into the ground with a thud. The creature spat, it’s saliva burning holes in the carpet and tearing Angela’s flesh. Instead of hurting her, the acidic spit actually strengthened Angela’s resolve. Holding the creature down by the head with her healthy foot, she pulled the nail out of the arch of her injured foot. It was much longer then she had first thought, at least two or three inches. She positioned the nail in her hand, and brought it down through the skull of the creature with a crunch. It squirmed for just a second before becoming still, a soft flow of black blood pouring from the skull. Angela kicked the corpse away, and limped out of the laundry room and up the creaky basement stairs. She walked through the basement door, closing it behind her and locking it. She dropped the key into the toilet in the bathroom near her, and flushed. Exhausted, she walked back to the basement door and fell against it, falling asleep instantly.

This was where her parents found her in the morning, taking her to the hospital for a bleeding foot that she claimed was from a nail in the foot, but what the doctor said was a shard from a lamp she had knocked over in her sleep. After returning home her parents tried to prove that there was no beast in the basement, but were unable to find the key, chocking it up to nobody having entered the basement in years. Angela told them she would let it go, and left for school on her crutches. On her way out to the garage, she saw several small footprints going around the house, and brushed them away with a scared smile before her mother could see it.

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