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Well that sounds like an eventful day :P

Glad everything's going so well :)

Hope you get a chance to relax soon :D

With all this work it sounds like you could use a rest.

Nah. Seeing you gives me more than enouh enegry and relaxation to keep me going ,Conor.

You lovable rascal you.

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my mom probably turned it off, and it's warm in my room becsuse it's warm outside.

our snow is already melting D: we only had it for a month! winter is supposed to last three or four months!

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whaaaaat!? D: but weren't you the one who challenged me when I said it was cold where I live? you were all "oh, I know cold sistah" an' I was all "oh no you di'n't"

either way, I'm more concerned about our weird weather than wether or not we have snow. I mean, I can do without those extra two months, but it's not normal

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the weather man tells us -5, and everyone goes on about how nice the weather is! -5 is like a nice spring day! in fact, it's probably -5 out right now

unless you meant -5ºF, which if I remember correctly is quite cold.

actually, I have no idea how F compares to C...

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What type of trips do you go on Sulvuss?! :-|

And Angie....I don't get snow at all....at all! :/

Well, me and My freind james decided to go on a little camping trip .i got my own tent, a A pocket knife and a various other crap over the years and it seemed stupid just to let it al lgo to waste .Well, he walks into my room one day and notices that I had been packing some of this stuff away and says to me that I shouldn't just let this stuff go unused. Some of them where evne left in their boxes. I turned to him and said I was too much a of a dork to leave my house seriously but being my freind he offers me a trip to a small wood in rural segments of England. I always called the area Bhemoth..like an idiot but it was never called that and to be honest after my trip I always tried to forget the place. Well, it cost fifty pounds for the ticket and we was both on our way there.

I was nervous. I never been camping before but in the freindly way he managed ot assure me that everything will be ok..slurred with many swears and obscenities of course as he was the rough and tumble type. Anyway we walk into the woods and settle up..wer not meant to but...meh..whos going to find us anyway. So we put up camp and decided that he would show me how to do a natural fire. He takes out his knife-not meant to have one of those either..but..once again..whos going to find us-and starts to do the various rituals to set up a flame. I tried to do the same..I failed many times. He pat my back and simply shook his head..saying the hands of an artist are a fickle bicth. I only sighed until I got it right on the seventh time. Filled with success and pride I smiled at my creation..before a strong gust of wind blew out my meager flame. My freind made a new one just before it got dark.

I was humiliated and tired so I went to bed. When I awoke I found that my freind was out of my sleeping bag..so I went back into my bed. I woke again..I think..two hours later.and my freind was still not there..infact..neither was his boots which he obviously took off to go to sleep..I don't know why but he did not want to sleep in a tent. I did not try to understand him. I'm a college, tea drinking englsih sterotype who an artist and hes a hardend survialist and street urchen. Well..I was worried..when he still hadn't returned. I did what anyone in fear of a freind would of done, I strapped on my shoes, patted my soles, wrapped on my coat and grabbed my flash light to scan the darkenend woods for him. I gave out a call or two before seeing a dent in the ground that lead deep into the woods..I could'nt tell what they were..they weren't feet though..paws...claws..It couldn't be a ber. It was ENgland..we don't get bears..well..

I got scared..and I didn't wait for morning..I treked out of those woods that night. I just wanted to leave. I kept telling myself james would ring.


he never did.


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You should see my notifications....

"Sulvuss quoted a post you made"

"Sulvuss quoted a post you made"

"Sulvuss quoted a post you made"

"Sulvuss quoted a post you made"

"Sulvuss quoted a post you made"

"Sulvuss quoted a post you made"


Well that because you have so many interesting things to say.

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