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Red Flash[FINAL]


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Roleplay Type: Mane RP

Name: Redflash (Red for short)

Sex: Male

Age: Colt

Species: Pegasus

Eye Color: Dark Blue Near Black

Coat Color: Dark Red

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: 2 Tone Tail & Flairs at bottom of legs

Physique: Shorter little more muscular

Cutie Mark:

Origin/Residence: Born in Cloudsdale

Occupation: Student

Motivation: To be the greatest flyer

Likes: Wind, Flying, Privacy

Dislikes: Show offs, Stormy Weather,Snakes

Character Summary: Redflash was born in Cloudsdale a great place for the Pegasus. This particular pony though did not enjoy the high tide of Cloudsdale he enjoyed privacy and the quiet feeling, But still he never left Cloudsdale only reason he would tell you is family issues. he loved flying but he didn't like the staring eyes that would watch him while he practiced, he never went to flight school again because of family issues.

He hadn't found his cutie mark because he didn't spend enough time doing what he enjoyed, instead he was always doing what his family wanted him to do. his mother always pestering him to go to flight school, and his father disagreeing saying that he should stay in the family business which had been a florist shop, Red didn't like flowers and he didn't like flight school because of all the staring ponys. He was very shy and normally only communicated with those he knew not setting out to find more friends.

He was later told to find a job by his father to earn bits for the family as the flowers were not being sold well enough, that's when he had found a job that would allow him to fly and earn bits for the family, He told himself that he would become a weather Pegasus. It was something that he enjoyed doing and was fairly good at. When he applied for the job they said to him that he had to take a flight test, there would be a panel of 5 judges and they would determine weather he could have the job. The next day after applying the judges had come to ask red about the position he had wanted, he told them he wanted to help clear the weather for cloudsdale. And the judges had also asked him why he hadn't gone to flight school like most young Pegasus. He was shy with his answer and that's just what he had told them. he was shy and that he didn't like the Stranger ponies, the staring, the judging. They had asked him to go for at least a year, which he complied with them.

His first day of flight school was terrible he had gone in to the registration office, The stallion Pegasus that stood at the desk asked for his name and for no reason red almost fainted. He was to nervous to do it but he said to himself "i have to do this for my family" He continued on with registration, telling his name, parents name general questions. When he was finished with registration he was given a schedule and asked to report to the mess hall. as he walked in the door a tray flew up and slapped him in the face, he was already embarrassed he didn't need anything else to make him look stupid considering the other 100 Pegasus sitting in the mess hall. he talked to a man that stood near the door and was told to sit by a group of younger Pegasus near the far side of the hall. he sat down at the table that he was pointed to and was greeted by the other new Pegasus at the table, they were called to silence and a larger Pegasus talked to them about the importance of training and strain. He then realized that it shouldn't be that bad.

This is now where red is and is with new friends that he has made


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