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Sapphire's sensational intro


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Yes, my [ponified name =x] is Sapphire Diadem, not to be mistaken with Sapphire Shores >o>_>o>

Enough of that, lets get into the true intro Q/A

  • A little about yourself ::
  • Hobbies - I like anime, dragons, voice acting, video editing, gaming, roll playing ((depending on topic)) and drawling because of ponies.
  • rough location - California
  • How you found this board - Err...I think it was on Tumbler....maybe Deviant art ((here is a link to my DA - http://kayian.deviantart.com/ Kayian is my other character name)) or Gaia Online....it was when I was bored and looking around the net for something to do, so all I can say is it was one of the web sights that I stated.
  • How you became a fan of FiM - I was at the San Diego Comic Con and my friend was telling me of seeing some guys at the Hasbro booth getting MLP posters and asking me, why would a grown man watch that show. Now at that time, I to thought the same thing and I was not a bronie then. After a little bit of time, I looked into the show, watching Winter Wrap up. After watching the episodes, well look where we are now. When I look back at that time at Comic Con I realized that there was a MLP FIM panel and I want to kill my self because LAUREN FAUST WAS THERE!!

Well, that's my intro for ja</p>

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Just wanted to add a little more...I play Nexon games, I am a member of Gaia online, I do pony head shots ((given refrance as to what to drawl)) and I like to live chat via skype....

That's all I really wanted to say, I don't really know how else to put my self out there....

I feel like a ghost and certainly not sensational...

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