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Howdy doody thar


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Sup? I'm DuskRunner, but call me Atlin. What'd those guidelines say again? OH, right.

I found this place via PM on an RP from a friend. To be honest I'm sorta here to Advertise it, but I'll play by the rules to do so and not link it here.

I was first introduced to MLP in a less than spectacular way. I was bored one day, flippin' through the channels, and thought "the hell is this?" and I fell in love. xD

I guess that about sums it up unless there are questions.

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Welcome to Canterlot! :D

I was first introduced to MLP in a less than spectacular way. I was bored one day, flippin' through the channels, and thought "the hell is this?" and I fell in love. xD

Reminds me a lot of me, except I was bored and looked it up on Youtube, because I knew someone else who kinda liked it.

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