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*In a real quiet voice* Hi... I am Northern Dashie. Someponies call me Dashie or Icie. Yes I know Icie is spelled wrong, but my team didn't like "Icy". They said Icie looks nicer. *Shrugs* Any who.... I have been a Brony for about a week now. I am fully caught up on all the episodes, few fanfics, songs and one away from a complete McDonald's Pony set (Lily Blossom). MLP FiM has brought so much happiness in my life just in this past week. I can't imagine why I would ever stop watching or being a brony. Well that's me without too much info. I will be posting a Introduction in the Role Playing area soon. Cya around.

Northern "Icie" Dashie

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I went to McDonalds because of a rumor they had Rainbow Dash. When the person was getting the toys my lady thought she saw Fluttershy in the box, but it was totally a Lilly Blossom which severely disappointing me because I am only interested in the show ponies not the random ones plus Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy would have both been the best ponies to get only furthering disappointment

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