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Beginning of the world the likes of which you have never seen


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I am Heel, I am new here. I found Canterlot whilst looking for a decent My little Pony roleplaying website. I am an Avid roleplayer (Should've taken that name). I think that suspenders are the best possible accessory and I have a tendency to speak my mind.

My favorite pony is Rarity. Because if this were a generic show (First off, it wouldn't have a roleplay site (Or would it?)) she would be an antagonist. I root for antagonists, because it's about time they got their time in the sun (But if they did, wouldn't they eventually become PROtagonists?).

I became a fan of my little pony via an image sharing website that took to the show like an overweight man on salty (or sugary) snacks. I ignored the craze for a while, but i finally decided to see what all the hype was about. I spent the next 2 days watching ponies. I was hooked. Proof? I'm here aren't I?

I also type a lot, and use a lot of parenthesis (I have a lot to say)

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