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About Myself: Just an average no-name driven by boredom to do random things. Fan-Fics, Fan-Art, Fan-Music, Fan-Emote Spam, Fan-etc.

How I found Canterlot.com: Boredom Sense... Okay, I saw the name on a YouTube comment.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I knew of it, But didn't immediately take a shine to it. I was browsing YouTube when I stumbled upon the title "Sonic Rainboom". The rest is history.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Well then, I guess I basically paste my form here to be thorough or something.

I'm Bored, So I joined this site. I'm basically a no-name who does things out of boredom. Fan-Fics (Currently have 2 up on fimfiction.), Fan-Art (Have only a shoddy shoop done so far.), Fan-Music (Don't actually have any music, But I have FL Studio 8.), Fan-etc. (Whatever my boredom inspires me to do.)

I actually found out about this place via a YouTube comment. But Imma lie and say my Boredom Sense brought me here anyway. ...Hope you don't mind.

I kept my distance but was aware of the growing fanbase. Then I came upon "Sonic Rainboom" and converted in 10 seconds flat. ...yay~

So anyway, Feel free to shun me for being an outcast or whatever you do here. :) Imma come back in a bit after I search for more spoilers for Hurricane Fluttershy.

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