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PH's Art Stuff


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I like drawing and doodling quite alot. So I'll show what I can do and have done. This is a link to my DeviantART page. http://prettypickles.deviantart.com/

Okay, to start it off, I have done some rough sketches of Fluttershy as a foal. I would like your opinion on which one you like the most. The one that is the most favourable will be made into a final piece that will be displayed on my art stuff page, on deviant art and in the gallery.

Fluttershy foal sketches


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Yes... I sketched Fluttershy yesterday. After SirShadowdeath alerted me about my main flaw in the fluttershy sketches, I made mental notes of the leg shape on different ponies by browsing through mlp pictures on google. Once I had visualised it several times over, I tried drawing again and Twilight was my result.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your kind comments. I'm slow when it somes to colouring things in digitally. So I made my very first gif as a waiting present. It may take a while to get started as I have just found out how to upload my gif on DeviantArt. It works when I view it on my computer... So you may need to download it. Does anyone know a website where you can upload your gifs so you can share them?


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