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Blueprint [Final]

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Name: Blueprint

Age: Early Marehood

Species: Unicorn

Pelt Color: Navy Blue

Mane/Tail Color & Style: Slicked back white mane (with bangs to hide her eyes from view, but not to obscure her vision), black tail, tied nicely at the end.

Appearance Notes: Blueprint has heterochromia, giving her bicolored eyes. Thusly, she often goes out with a pair of black shades on all the time.

Eye Color: Deep Sea blue in her left eye, rose pink in the right.

Cutie Mark: An actual paper blueprint with an as of yet, unknown formula.

Physique: Tall. No particular progress in her weight or strength.

Origin: Canterlot

Roleplay Type: FiM/Show Roleplay

Occupation: Unemployed traveler

Motivation: None in particular. Very unaware of what she wants to do in her life, despite her Cutie mark.

Likes: Every time she discovers knowledge of her self. Company and the recognition of others sustain her, and she feels that those things validate her being. Making plans. Seeing herself succeed in something, no matter how minor it is.

Dislikes: Failure and ridicule are among the most prominent of Blue’s dislikes. She can’t stand the idea of losing at anything, no matter what. And ridicule only makes her angrier. She also hates it when things can’t go perfectly. It demotivates her to the point of forfeiting whatever it is that she’s tried her hoof at, she’ll likely never try again. Blueprint also hates it when she isn’t part of a collective. She feels like she doesn’t belong in her own skin, no matter how much bravado she puts on.

Character Summary: Blueprint was born to her mother and father when they were both somewhat young, and unable to take care of her. Blue’s grandparents on her father’s side took her in and raised her as best they could. Blue proved herself exceptionally bright as she grew up, performing well in basic classes in school. She eventually found that she had an uncanny ability to come up with contraptions and plans even involving ponies and the world itself that had few if any spaces for error or failure. Her crowning achievement, a plan for a project assignment in one of her classes which was essentially an overhaul for Equestria’s hierarchy and infrastructure was given much acclaim, if only for the fact that she had that kind of ambition as a kid. Upon completion of her assignment, as she swelled with pride, her cutie mark took it's place on her flank. Neither her grandparents, nor teacher could tell her of all the flaws inherent in it.

Blue was naïve as a kid, only given the brighter side of the world to look at, which gave her a glass-half full mentality. As she grew up, however, she became more distracted by the things in the world. She began to see that she was separate of many of her classmates, and ponies her age around the way, and tried to join them but was disregarded and disrespected because of who she was to them. Her grandparents had done their best to keep her on one straight path, disciplined and self-motivated to do something with her life. But it wouldn’t last for long; things were changing for her and in her.

Blue became more disenchanted with exactly what she was learning, and why. She had ambitions but no real place to put them. As she got older, she caught on to things that would make her abandon hope for herself, and only made her want to be part of the crowd. Any kind of club, any kind of society, she joined it, while she was in Uni, and left them afterwards. Blue had ended up spending her life searching for the wrong things. After leaving her grandparents house, (or moreso, being kicked out for her shiftless attitude for development in her life), Blue set herself to finding out exactly what it was that she was to do in this world.


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A good start, though I'm failing to see anything in her history mentioning a cutie mark. I see a crowning achievement, but is that what earned her her cutie mark? If so (or even if it didn't), what does her cutie mark mean to her? What exactly does it represent about her?

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