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Freesia Flash [Final]


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Type: World of Equestria

Name: Freesia Flash

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Unicorn

Coat Color: Dull Brown

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Her mane is long, flowing and pink, and her tail is long, full, and the same colour of her mane.

Eye Color: A pink to match her mane.

Cutie Mark: A camera with a rose.

Physique: Average

Origin: Hoofington

Occupation: Photography

Motivation: To capture the beauty of nature.

Likes: Taking photos, having picnics, fresh flowers, sunny days.

Dislikes: Natural disasters, litter, ponies who don't take nature seriously, loud noises.

Character Summary: Freesia Flash was born to two unicorn parents, who were both extremely strict and hardworking architects. She grew up under their care, and was always obedient to their wishes. She tried hard in school, and worked hard at everything she did in life. She was popular in school due to her kindhearted and gentle ways (and also being a slight bit of a pushover), but was a late bloomer, in that she was last in her class to get her cutie mark: though she was never teased for this. She had always assumed her cutie mark would be something to do with architecture, like her parents, but when she offered to help her parents design blueprints for a library they had planned, and ended up destroying the plans, she realised she had to try other things.

One day, her parents sent her out to capture some photos of a newly finished project to add to their scrapbook. Freesia took a shortcut through a nearby meadow, and stumbled over a knotted clump of grass, resulting in her falling and almost dropping the camera. In her moment of panic, she grabbed at the camera with her hooves, and caught it just in time, accidentally pressing the capture button. She jumped up, and set off, thinking nothing of it until it was time for her parents to develop the film. Amongst the pictures of buildings and possible sites, was a picture of single rose. They gave it to Freesia to dispose of, and upon seeing the picture, she began to truly appreciate the beauty of nature. That was when her cutie mark appeared, and she knew just what she had to do. She saved up her weekly bits, and once she had enough to buy her own camera, she began to work as a photographer for the local newspaper. She loves taking photos of everything, but her favourite is taking photos of flowers and nature, especially on sunny days.


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Looks good, though the only issue is the cutie mark.

Equestria, in terms of what we're used to, seems to be pretty low-tech. A pony would likely look at her cutie mark and ask 'What the hay is that thing?'

Having a camera is fine, though I would suggest this:


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