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Jewel [FINAL]


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"Nopony believes that I'll ever be someone... I want to prove them all wrong and show them that this Jewel's got a lot of sparkle! I may not be the biggest, and I may not be the brightest, but I will be a great actress with millions of fans! Just wait and see!"

Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Jewel

Sex: Female

Age: Filly

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Light Purple

Coat Color: White

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Jewel's mane and tail are made of two colors - a sky blue shade and a light purple that matches her eyes. She keeps her mane and tail at a manageable medium length, with soft curls at the end of her tresses. The tips of her mane fall no further than a couple inches below her withers, with her forelock kept so that it curls right beneath her horn. The longest layer of her tail ends at her hock. She often wears elegant barrettes in her mane, especially ones made of golden pearls.

Physique: Short and stocky, with a heathy layer of baby fat.

Cutie Mark: Jewel has yet to obtain her cutie mark, but hopes it reflects her interest in theater.

Origin/Residence: Canterlot is the home of this debonair little filly.

Occupation: Student.

Motivation: To graduate at the university in the Gamma class, and become an actress - using her powers to dazzle and captivate her audiences!

Likes: Theater, music, parties, games, and jewelry

Dislikes: Manual work, getting dirty, and failure.

Character Summary:


Sire: Midnight Shadow, a unicorn originally from Trottingham, whose occupation is a security guard in Canterlot. Portrait!

(Spoiler'd for Length) Story:

"Shadow" came from one of the more poverty-stricken families, and he practically grew up on the streets. Hard labor turned him muscular, but his true passion was studying magic. He came across his special ability while playing hide and seek with his friends. Unable to find an ideal hiding spot, he used his magic to blend into the shadows of the alleyway. A dark grey crescent moon appeared on his flank that night, hinting that camouflage and stealth were his specialties. After he came to Canterlot for his Unicorn Magical Aptitude Test, it was discovered that he had quite the knack for magic!

Shadow was classified as a Beta Class Unicorn, and offered a position in the Royal Equestrian Army. However, he declined, preferring to use his magic as a night security guard for the elite of Canterlot for one reason alone - a beautiful mare, the daughter of prestigious client who was in need of a pony with his talents. He was hired to protect the mare since she was his only family, but from the shadows, as the pony did not wish to make his daughter feel too uncomfortable by being watched. Shadow inquired as to the reason, and the stallion merely said "Being in the banking business has its risks."

So, he kept a watch on her, falling in love from afar. His client began to notice, through the way in which Shadow's sable gaze followed her every move with affection. Instead of becoming angry, he offered Shadow a chance to date his daughter - after all, what could be a better suitor than a man that offered protection?

Dam: Hidden Gem, a unicorn born and raised in Canterlot, who works as an interior decorator. Portrait!

(Spoiler'd for Length) Story:

"Gem" was the daughter of a wealthy stallion who was born into a world of riches. Their wealth was inherited, and she rarely was left wanting. However, she was a quite a wild and reckless filly. She grew up living on the dangerous side of life, associating with rouges and thugs, which naturally made her father worried. After all, she wasn't a very powerful pony - she was assessed as a Delta Class Unicorn, an exact opposite of Shadow.

So, Gem sought more humble work, at the disappointment of her father. She became an interior decorator with a knack for design, bringing in an honest income. With an ability to find wonderful, antique furnature and trinkets, she certainly lived up to her name! Although she purchased her first home at a young age, her father was still very protective, and employed a secret body guard without her knowledge. One day while she was out shopping for a client, Shadow appeared to her with flowers in mouth, and confessed to her. Naturally, she was not the happiest mare in Canterlot that day. She begged and begged her father to fire the pony to no avail. They reached a compromise, and Shadow was guard only the outside of her home. Eventually, she grew accustomed to his presence. Fate led her to become attracted to the man who was hired to keep her safe, and love blossomed.

She later gave birth to a beautiful young foal who she named Jewel.


Jewel had a very strict, but productive early chidhood in Canterlot. Her father began to regret his decision to not join the military, and began to press magical aptitude onto Jewel. He encouraged her to study day after day, but she seemed to have little interest in books. Despite being stern, Shadow was fair to Jewel, and was more of a stay-at-home-father since he worked at night, while his wife had normal business hours. As for Gem, well, she was rarely home, but did her best to provide for the family. She showed her love by showering Jewel with material objects like toys, clothing, and jewelry.

Despite this attention, she began causing mischief - stealing from other foals, lashing out, and being a genuine brat. It all was very minor, but still depreciating from her otherwise wonderful personality. It seemed like having too much free time and being forced into studying was taking its toll. Thankfully, her father began to notice and eased up on her.

One day, thinking that if he gave Jewel something to do, she'd be a bit more well-behaved, Shadow took her to see a play. Jewel became enamored by what she saw. Actresses, actors, lights, and the clothes - everything was so wonderful! It seemed that she inherited her mother's eye for beauty. So, she begged her father for them to stay after the show, since the cast was offering autographs. There, she was able to meet some of the ponies who put on the play. The company had an actress, Limelight, who was in need of a young apprentice to help out around the theater. After she had a chance to speak to Jewel and saw her enthusiasm, she invited the filly as her apprentice.

Her parents allowed her to visit the theater twice a week, although they were determined for their precious filly to be more that just an actress. They enrolled her in the Canterlot University, hoping that their Jewel would both straighten up and have an accomplished future.

Personality and Flaws

Jewel is a very out-going and graceful filly, who is always certain to use her manners (in public, anyway). She obtained a bit of her mother's naughty streak, which leads her to be quite the troublemaker - but really, what fillies aren't? The biggest part of her personality is her dedication and artistic tendencies. She has an eye for design, something that she is discovering while volunteering at the theater. Some of her biggest flaws include naivety, lying, and sometimes cheating to get what she wants. Working at the theater is also giving her a bit of a chip on her shoulder...

(Maybe a bit of a reality check is just what this pony needs!)

Cutie Mark Story

Jewel is named for a very special reason, for a talent that she has yet to discover while apprenticing for Limelight. The time will come when she is asked to help make jewelry, and the story will go from there...

Extra Information

(I left a lot of room for Jewel to grow as a pony and really find herself. Hopefully she'll have a chance to meet some very influential ponies who will change her perceptions!)

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